Abs For Men - How To Get Them Ripped!

Abs for men are perfectly doable. Though not with the 'conventional' methods - ab crunches and workouts.

For toning abs into something worthy of a Greek god, you need something more. Something simple, but also difficult - you need to control your eating and lose fat. In short, a well organized diet.

Here are some guidelines for a perfect diet that will give you abs for men. If you lose fat and maintain your muscles, you'll look more ripped. And if you lose your muscles as you diet down, you'll just diminish. Use the techniques here to become strong and beautiful.

Eat Meat and Protein

You need to eat protein to put on muscle. You also need to eat a lot of protein to retain muscle, particularly when you're dieting down and losing fat.

When you're dieting, your body needs even more protein than normal to maintain its structure. And it wants to break down your skeletal muscles too (biceps, glutes, etc.) to support your more essential muscles (heart, diaphragm, stomach, etc.).

When you eat the right amount of protein you maintain all your muscles, and your body isn't tempted to break them down to support your heart and internal organs. In a nutshell, eat your protein.

Eat Real Food

Sugary diet drinks and bars are convenient, and can help you lose weight. But if you have the time, eat real food - it's so much better for you.

Eating foods like butternut squash and turkey and vegetables will fill you up with food volume. And it might not be deliciously sugary, but real savory food will actually make you feel more satiated than high-fructose corn syrup crap.

You can easily bake a large batch of squash and other vegetables on, say, Sunday, and then microwave them the rest of the week. You can do the same for chicken. Or buy a slow cooker - used or new, they take very little time to set up and are great for prepping meals in advance.

6 Small Meals A Day? Only If It Works For You

6 Small meals a day is the mantra of most people in the diet and fitness industry. And the plain truth of the matter is just that it doesn't really matter.

If you eat less, you'll lose weight. And as long as you eat your protein it doesn't matter whether you eat less in a bunch of tiny meals, or one or two or three larger meals.

No matter how you cut it., calories count. So count your calories, eat less, and you'll lose fat and not muscle.

Oh, And Have At Least 1 Fun Meal Each Week!

Dieting isn't fun for anybody. If somebody tells you otherwise, they're lying to you.

But it's important to have at least one fun meal each week. Go out with your friends or a lover to a restaurant and get a good meal without worrying about calories.

This is important for your sanity as much as for any other reason. Seriously, it helps.

If you follow these guidelines for abs for men, you'll get ripped pretty quickly. And you'll keep your muscle, so that you're just losing fat - not hard grown muscle.

If you want more tips and tricks for losing fat fast, check out the information below. It will make your fat loss even faster and less painful. Though getting completely ripped will always take dedication.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out! - Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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