How To Get Ripped Abs - Simply, The Truth

How to get washboard abs? It's simple. Ludicrously simple, especially considering all the different products out there being sold to get you ripped.

Just (1) drop your body fat to an absurdly low percentage, and (2) build your muscles up. There - just do that.

Of course, actually doing that takes some effort and technique. So, here are some tips to get you started - but YOU have to supply the dedication!

First, Correct What You Eat

Eating is 95% to 100% of how to get ripped abs. I am not shitting you.

I don't care how big your abdominal muscles are, if you're eating too much nobody will be able to see them. Period.

You must find a way of eating to diet off those extra pounds of fat. There are some specifics for dropping the pounds fast, and some tricks for retaining muscle, and some more tricks for doing it all without losing your mind.

But the bottom line is that you need to find a diet that works for you. Only by committing to controlling your eating while dieting down, and then while you're building muscle afterward, can you create, maintain, and increase your six pack.

Controlling your eating is essential. No matter what anybody tells you, it is vital.

Second, Track Your Progress

It can be discouraging when you don't appear to be making progress. This is true with anything in life, from how to get ripped abs to building a business to getting through school.

The first thing to do is measure your body fat percentage. And not with one of those flimsy, inaccurate and inexact body fat calipers. Or let your scale do it simply by running a light electric current through your body (bio-electric impedance).

Get weighed in water (hydrostatic testing), or go to a bod-pod. Or use another high quality measurement method - they might cost a little money, $20 or $50, but it's well worth it.

If you track your progress, you'll get feedback and know how well your workout and diet plan is working. Otherwise, well, you can just noodle around getting nowhere for a very long time.

Third, Try and Track and Repeat

Diet well, get a good workout plan, track yourself - and keep doing it until you are successful! It sounds too bloody simple to work. But it is because it is so simple that it will work.

If you eat less to lose weight (using any method) and do some exercise, you'll make progress. No doubt about that. But by tracking you can find out what are the best ways to lose fat and what ways to lose fat work best for you.

You don't need a completely personalized plan - you're not that much of a special, individual snowflake no matter what you think. All you need are flexible tools for how to get ripped abs that you can adapt to your own lifestyle.

If you want to get those tools for how to get ripped abs, check out the information below. Getting ripped isn't easy, but it can at least be simple. And it's doable for anybody - seriously.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out! - Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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