Common Mistakes Made By Hardgainers

Individuals who have a hard time adding mass are known as hardgainers. They have high metabolisms and often try for years to gain weight without success. Although most put forth a lot of effort to gain weight many hardgainers make at least one mistake that stops then from being able to add mass. Here are some of the more common mistakes:

Over training

Many guys still believe that the more they work out the more gains they will get. Unfortunately unless you are using steroids this is not the case. Our bodies don't benefit from any more than an hour in the gym three to five times per week. More than this and you will actually hurt your gains by over training.

Not consuming enough food

This one may seem like a no brainer and if it is good. The reality is however that most hardgainers don't eat enough everyday to gain weight. Some guys think they do but they're not consistent about doing it every single day.

Doing too much cardiovascular exercise

Although cardio is great for you it can also stop you from gaining mass simply because it burns a lot of calories. You will need to replace these calories by eating that much more. This can be very difficult when you are already eating large amounts of food.

Not eating the right kinds of foods

Although you may have heard you should eat anything and everything when trying to gain weight, this really isn't true. Eating foods that have no nutritional value such as junk foods will prevent you from eating enough good foods that you need to build muscle. Each meal should have a lot of good calories with protein, good carbs and good fats.

Not consuming enough protein each day

Protein is necessary to build muscle. You need around 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight each and every day. This needs to be spread out throughout the day. Try getting around 30 grams every 2-3 hours.

Not keeping a log of calories and protein

This takes a lot of work no doubt, but it really is one of the more important things to do. Think about it. If you're not tracking protein and calories how do you really know if you reach the numbers that you need? You don't, and that means you're just going to guess and chances are you will be wrong. This is where a lot of guys fail. Just start tracking your calories and protein and make it a habit.

For more great information on how to gain weight visit It's a great resource for anyone trying to bulk up. Whether you're new to bodybuilding or simply looking for some new strategies to get you back on track you will find the site very helpful.

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