Bodybuilding: Myths and Facts

If you've spent any time reading or talking to people about bodybuilding, it is almost inevitable that you've come across one of these bodybuilding myths. There are several bodybuilding myths that are floating around, and not a week goes by where I don't hear a new one spring up with next to no scientific merit behind it. Read on to find out the three most common bodybuilding myths that have done and continue to do the rounds.

Bodybuilding Makes Women Look Like Men

This is probably the number one reason that many women don't take up bodybuilding, however it actually has very little truth to it. In order for men to develop the muscular physique that they have (even before bodybuilding) they need testosterone. While it is true that women do produce small levels of testosterone, it is nowhere near the same amount as men, and they actually produce higher levels of oestrogen, the hormone associated with femininity. Because of the levels of these two hormones present, it is incredibly difficult for women to develop the muscle mass and quality that men produce without taking an extra supplement or male hormones.

Bodybuilding Can Stunt Your Growth

This myth came about because there are a somewhat disproportionate amount of competitive bodybuilders that are quite short in stature. In actuality, this disproportion is more likely due taller bodybuilders being selected for other sports where stature and size are important, leaving shorter bodybuilders to compete. In the same context, shorted bodybuilders might also do better in competition because their shorter limbs make their muscle bulk look better proportioned which is ideal for competitive bodybuilding.

Your Muscles Turn To Fat Once You Stop Working Out

I want to make one thing perfectly clear here, it is physically impossible for muscle to turn into fat. They are two separate types of tissue completely, and would be like saying that skin can turn into bone. The root of this myth comes from the fact that so many bodybuilders become relatively fat after they stop training. What happens in truth is that the muscles shrink once they are no longer trained, which takes a year or more to happen. During this time, the former bodybuilder makes the mistake of continuing to eat large quantities of nutrient dense foods as they did when they were training intensely and using up all their energy. This large intake of energy, coupled with the reduced energy expenditure means that the excess is stored as, amongst other things, fat. If you reduce your energy intake when you stop training, this myth can be avoided.

Those are probably the most common bodybuilding myths that I still hear on an almost daily basis. You can see how many of them come about, however you don't have to scratch far below the surface to see that they are also incorrect. Exercise in general, almost any exercise will have benefits for the person performing it. Sometimes the myths are simply excuses that others use to make themselves feel better about not doing something themselves.

Alexi has studied and worked in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years and specializes in health, lifestyle and fitness topics. Alexi has a number of websites that provide valuable information on equipment that helps you get the most out of your training sessions. You can read all about weight lifting gloves for men at his website on Harbinger Gloves.

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