Get A Ripped Stomach The Easy Way

Getting a ripped stomach can be hard. A sweaty, time consuming death march. Or really easy.

It all comes down to how you do it. And, lucky for you, I've done it most of the wrong ways. So I can show you the keys to doing it correctly!

Put All Your Effort Into Diet

Don't agonize about working out, or doing ab crunches, or finding the next 'secret' ab workout technique. Put all of your energy into managing your diet.

See, all you need is a good ripped abs diet. That's it - if you drop enough body fat, your ripped abdominals will show. You'll get your ripped stomach.

Now, to lose weight you can sweat and workout and agonize about not losing pounds. Or you can focus all of your efforts on losing weight with a sustainable, doable diet that you enjoy. This is a lot harder than it sounds, but it is really worth the effort.

If you focus on diet, then exercise won't be as big of a deal. And your ripped stomach will come naturally.

Do (Active) Fun Stuff

OK, I just said that diet is more important than exercise. And that is really true.

But exercise will burn calories, so that you either lose weight faster or can eat more. Both are fun.

And if it's a fun activity, you won't think of it as a solemn duty. I do dancing and martial arts, both of which are very fun - and allow me to eat more.

Dancing and marital arts also allow me to show off my ripped muscles when I do get them! It's fun, burns calories, get me more friends, and it keeps me away from sitting at home waiting to get ripped.

When You're In The Home Stretch, Go Slow

For guys, you'll start seeing that ripped stomach at around nine or ten percent body fat. Which means you're probably about five to seven pounds of fat away from looking ripped.

When you're this close to your goal, you must go slow. In fact, slow is the only way to get ripped and not feel like shit.

Why? Well, essentially you're starving your body. And when you get down to the last few pounds of fat, your body defends those aggressively - since that's all that stands between you alive and dying of starvation.

When you only have a few pounds to go, if you try to lose weight faster then you'll probably just lose muscle. And your muscle is precious - don't do anything stupid that might cause you to lose it!

Also, when you're at the last few pounds of body fat you've probably been dieting for a while. In this case, you're under a lot of mental strain. Consider taking a week off and just eating enough to maintain your weight, then try dropping 1 more pound of fat. Otherwise you might look ripped, but you'll be crazy hungry.

Use Refeeds

A refeed is a day (or meal) when you eat a lot. You take a day off, don't try to lose weight, and eat a normal amount - and probably something you like!

Refeeds help your body to adjust to your lower body weight. And they also give you a break and a chance to indulge in a little more food than you have been eating, which are both very fun!

Now, Start!

That's a lot of what you need to get your ripped stomach easily. If you want a complete plan, with all different diet, eating, and exercise tricks to get ripped, check out the links below.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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