Start Getting Your Chiseled Abs Today!

Start getting the chiseled abs you want today. It's not easy, or everybody would have them, but it can be simple.

You might have been putting it off, but start now. Starting is half the battle - the other half is continuing to the end.

But, here's how to get your ripped 6 pack...

Lose More Fat

Your muscles might be big right now. But if you have extra fat, nobody will see them.

The key to getting chiseled abs is losing fat. Once you've lost a lot of body fat, your ripped 6 pack will show.

Of course, if you don't have much muscle you'll look think and scrawny when you're ripped. But you can drop the fat and then add muscle.

Just keep a low body fat percentage. I don't care what other tricks you use, that's how to do it.

Eat More Veggies and Protein

Vegetables and protein are great for losing fat. And not just because they are 'healthy', or have omega-3s, or because they have lots of vitamins, or whatever.

First, protein is necessary for maintaining (and growing) muscle mass. And when you're dieting down, it's especially necessary for maintaining your muscle mass - which you want to keep at all costs!

Second, protein is very satiating. It'll keep hunger at bay for a long time, which is nice. Rather than something sugary like marzipan or a chocolate bar, which is sugary and will probably leave you feeling hungry again very soon.

Third, protein has a very high thermic load. Your body spends a lot of energy to process it, so it's really more like 3.2 calories per gram, rather than the official 4 calories per gram. This isn't a big difference, but it comes in handy for accelerating fat loss.

Vegetables are great because they are so calories diffuse. You can eat a heaping pile of vegetables and only be eating 100 or 200 calories - they'll really fill you up!

Sleep More

Seriously, sleep will help you get chiseled abs. Or perform better in athletics, or do anything better, really.

First, sleep is when you do a lot of regenerating. If you're athletic at all, get your sleep - you'll need it to build up more muscle.

Also, testosterone and growth hormone are both released when you sleep. These help you lose fat and gain muscle, whether you're a guy or a girl.

And sleep deprivation mucks with your hormone ghrelin, causing you to get hungry. Staying up late and getting hungry is combo that favors late night sugary munchies, and not weight loss.

Get your sleep. And other people will like you with more sleep, since you won't be as cranky!

Now, Start!

You've spent enough time reading about how to get chiseled abs. More important than anything else is simply deciding to start, and doing it!

Commit to doing it, and take at least one concrete action towards your goal, whether that's buying an e-book or finally getting all the crap food out of your house - today! Action is superior to perfection.

If you need more ideas or methods to make your weight loss easier, check out the links below. But seriously, start today.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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