Deer Velvet for Body Building

Researchers have been conducting scientific studies on the properties of deer velvet since the 1980s. These studies demonstrate that it is useful in treating various health problems including arthritis and anemia. It is effective in treating anemia because it increases the number of red blood cells while at the same time improving the health of bone marrow where red blood cells originate.

In Russia, herbalists use deer velvet as a treatment for menstrual difficulties in women, including pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). They also use it to treat male impotence. This product is known to promote healing and to improve endurance. These properties can be useful to assist body builders in their quest for physical prowess and muscle mass.

Deer velvet can have many benefits for body builders. Since it is a source of valuable minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc, it provides support for healthy bones needed to support the bulky frame of a body builder. The same increase in red blood cells from deer velvet that helps a person who has anemia can provide body builders with extra oxygen because red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. Extra oxygen increases stamina during the strenuous exercise that they engage in.

Studies have shown that deer velvet helps to promote healing from a variety of injuries. Body builders follow a regimen of vigorous exercise which frequently causes strained muscles and pain. In Russia, athletes use deer velvet for healing and as a pain reliever.

Scientists have analyzed the chemical components of deer velvet and catalogued the beneficial compounds. It contains natural compounds including collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin. A combination of glucosamine and chondroitin is a standard treatment for joint pain and stiffness which body builders may experience, again from strenuous exercise.

This velvet is also a source of hormones that can be used by the human body. Human growth hormone (HGH) causes children to grow and develop but as humans age, the production of HGH decreases dramatically. Insulin-like human growth factor (IGF-1), which is produced in the liver from HGH, promotes muscle mass. It is a natural external source of IGF-1 and may help body builders to increase muscle mass.

Deer velvet is a natural product that may be of benefit to body builders. Whilst many seek artificial stimulation through synthetic products, some body builders prefer products from natural ingredients. Commercially available deer velvet comes from live deer that are raised from quality breeding stock on deer farms.

Alan B. Stables is a freelance writer on alternative agriculture, has organized alternative agriculture events and has also been a guest speaker in Brazil, China, Egypt, Italy, Latvia and Spain, on how to market agricultural produce for maximum returns.

In addition to writing on deer farming, Alan also writes articles on alpaca farming and other alternative farming projects.

Original article

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