Bodybuilding Calories: The Numbers You Should Know

In order for you to maintain the weight that you currently have, you must know how many calories you need on a daily basis, especially if you are undergoing intense bodybuilding exercises. Through this, you are able to carry out your daily physical routine without the possibility of gaining unwelcome pounds or losing unnecessary weight. One way to properly determine your required daily calories is through the use of a calorie counter. Here are some calorie figures you can start with in order for you to have a firm grasp with regards to the requisite numbers in weight maintenance relative to your bodybuilding goal.

If you are a male that tips the scale at one hundred pounds and needs to supply for daily activities including jogging, basketball, tennis, carpentry, soccer, swimming, running and digging alongside your everyday routine, you need approximately three thousand four hundred nine calories on a daily basis in order for you to maintain your weight. A female who weighs the same and undergoes the exact daily routine, needed calories serving is three thousand. This calories requirement will of course be leveled up once extensive bodybuilding is something you also require. Females who weigh one hundred eighty pounds and do the same aforementioned activities will need three thousand calories to maintain their weight. But if weight loss is required, of course they can easily cut down on their daily calories serving so as to achieve such purpose. Males who weigh one hundred and eighty pounds on the other hand are required at least four thousand ninety-one calories serving to maintain such weight - that is under the abovementioned physical activities.

Males undergoing moderate physical activities and are at one hundred and fifty pounds need at least two thousand seven hundred ninety five calories serving on a daily basis. Moderate physical activities may include brisk walking, bicycling, double tennis, lawn mowing, yoga, skating, and dancing alongside regular daily routine. Females under the same weight and physical activities on the other hand, will need two thousand five hundred and twenty three daily servings of calories in order to maintain their weight. Males who go through the same aforementioned physical activities but are at one hundred eighty pounds need at least three thousand three hundred and fifty five daily calories whereas females need at least three thousand and twenty seven.

Suppose you wish to lose some pounds and tip the scale at 120 pounds, still under the abovementioned physical activities, you will be needing at least two thousand two hundred and thirty six calories daily if you are a male, and two thousand and eighteen if you are a female.

Relying on a calorie counter is something that can truly aid you in terms of gaining the weight that you desire. Even if you do massive bodybuilding exercise, if you do not know how much calories you require, you are not going to get your needed results. That said it is important that you maintain consciousness when it comes to calories count.

Maximizing your physical activities will truly depend on your awareness of necessary calories for bodybuilding.

By the way, do you want to learn how to firm and flatten your abs? If so, download my free ebook: "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"

David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditioning Coach and is the author of the popular selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs,"

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