Want To Get Ripped Abs? Don't Exercise!

You want to get ripped abs. So don't exercise?! What craziness is this!?

The truth is, exercise is not the silver bullet for getting ripped abs. It can be effective, but most of the time it just has people running in circles.

So, here's exactly why exercise won't get you ripped six pack abs. And how to actually get them.

Correct Exercise Builds Muscle

Exercise sends the signal to your body that you're using it, so it should build itself up more. Weight lifting is the exemplar of this - by stressing your muscles to their limit, you build muscle tissue.

Whether you're running or lifting weights or boxing, these exercises will cause your body to grow and develop in certain ways. It will also make you hungrier, because that extra growth your body is doing needs fuel. And you also need more fuel for your workouts.

So this is great for getting your body bigger, but not always for fat loss. If you don't watch what you eat, you probably won't lose weight - you'll just eat more, and you might even put on some fat along with that muscle.

The key to get ripped abs is actually losing fat. this will make your muscles stand out more.

You Need To Lose Fat!

This is really what ripped six pack abs are all about. If you lose enough fat, you'll reveal your abs.

So, to lose weight you must eat less. I don't' care how you do it, whether it's a paleo diet or an Ornish diet or an Atkins diet - eat less to lose weight. Specifically, to lose fat.

When you get your body fat percentage down around eight to ten percent, you'll be able to see your abs if you're a guy. If you're a lady, you'll just need to get your body fat percentage down around 12-15%.

Your Diet Is All Important!

I cannot stress how important diet is for getting ripped abs. Exercise is important later on for building up your muscle, specifically your abs. But if you have too much fat, you won't get ripped abs.

Once you are 'ripped', then think about adding more muscle to your body. if you are careful, you can add more muscle than fat when you workout to add muscle, thus keeping yourself ripped. It's difficult, and a bit of a pain in the ass, but it's certainly doable.

Once you understand how important diet is, you'll become much more serious about it. Exercise can help you, but you must control what you eat. That's all there is to it.

OK, What's The Easiest Way To Drop Fat And Get Ripped Abs?

Ah, now that's the real clincher. There are plenty of tips and techniques out there, but here's 3 that will help you the most...

First, eat your vegetables. You can eat a ton of vegetables without eating a ton of calories, making veggies a great thing to put in to your diet if you want to lose weight. And you mother of course knew best when she said you should eat your vegetables.

Second, just don't eat crap. Candy bars and doughnuts have a lot of calories, and they really won't satiate you. Veggies, lean meats, and fruits are what you should be eating to lose weight - though you still need to count calories.

Third, track your progress. If at all possible, measure your body fat percentage and tack it as it drops. This will show you that you are in fact making progress, and how far you still have to go.

If you still need more info to get ripped abs, check out the links below. They'll give you great tips for how to lose fat and gain muscle in the fastest and most enjoyable manner possible.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

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