Three Secrets That Will Help Skyrocket Your Muscle Gains Fast

Like every young bodybuilder (and not so young) when I started training I wanted to become massive-and I wanted it to happen yesterday!

Of course, I went at it in my usual over-the-top style and was really over trained, but it was O.K because I loved bodybuilding and I could not control myself.

Over the years though, I have learned a few things that will help speed up the get massive process.

Below you will find three of them.



If I had to pick one thing that most bodybuilders who are looking to get massive do wrong-it is this.

They simply do not eat enough to grow.

Beginners especially must understand that muscle does not come simply from training.

Sure you need to train hard, but, you need to supply your body with the necessary calories it needs to repair the damage done in the gym and to grow.

This is where I disagree with most about supplements, yes food is the best way to go, but we need to be realistic-a young man who is looking to grow is also super busy, so I see nothing wrong with having a protein shake (especially if it is high quality) when time is tight.

I would rather see someone who is looking to gain muscular body weight do this than skip a meal.


For all but a lucky few, when you are out to gain some muscle, you inevitably will put on some fat.

A lot of beginners get scared-when abs start to vanish-and stop eating enough.

Sure, the abs come back, but gone is almost any chance of gaining muscle.

If you are going to put on some mass you must accept some level of fat gain, no I am not talking about putting on tons of fat, but you must be prepared to lose a little definition.


Yep, most beginners focus too much on the show muscles-the arms and chest.

And not enough on the hips, legs, and back.

All they do is endless sets of curls, triceps work, and benches.

Sorry to say it, but, this approach is not going to get you massive.

What most beginners need is to focus on is heavy squats, dead lifts, overhead presses, and all kinds of rowing movements.

Training this way will not only get you bigger biceps and triceps-but will make you bigger all over.

Of course you must focus on eating enough protein, healthy fats, and carbs when working the above exercises otherwise you will not see as much muscle gains as you could have


I know the above three secrets are not fancy, but trust me on this, follow them and you will see muscle growth coming at a rate that you previously thought was out-of-reach.

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