The Affects of Cardio on Gaining Weight

Cardio is an important part of any fitness regiment. Cardio can increase strength in your heart and lungs, reduce daily stress and anxiety, reduce your risk of heart disease, cause you to sleep better, give you more energy throughout the day. In addition to these, there are numerous other benefits to doing cardio.

Despite all the benefits of cardio, when it comes to gaining weight, it can actually prevent you from reaching your goals. All forms of cardio burns calories. Some burn more than others. When you are trying to build muscle it is necessary to take in more calories than you are burning. This can be hard if you are spending much time burning up calories doing cardio.

Jogging burns around 500-1000 calories per hour depending on how fast your run and how much you weigh. Using a stationary bike you could burn 300-1100 calories. Walking will burn between 200-700.

If you are some one who has a very hard time gaining weight I recommend stopping your cardio all together or at least keeping it to a minimum during your bulking phase. Once you have reached your weight gain goal then you can resume your cardio training. If you do choose to continue doing cardio during your mass building follow these techniques to continue your weight gain progress:

Keep the intensity level at low to moderate. If you use the treadmill jog rather than run, if you use a stationary bike, ease up on the tension a little.
Only do 1-2 cardio sessions per week. No need to over do it. The goal is to maintain your current level of cardiovascular health.

Keep your cardio sessions to 20 minutes or less. We want to keep the total calories burned to a minimum.

Consume calories before and after your cardio. This will not only help you get more calories in but also prevent you from going into a catabolic state.

Eat an additional 250-500 calories on the days you do cardio. This will make up for the extra calories you burn.

As I stated above there are many many benefits to doing cardio so you shouldn't stop doing it for long. In fact if you focus only on gaining weight and never do any cardio you will actually hurt your progress. Because your heart pumps blood to your muscles and provides them with the nutrients that they need in order to grow it is important that your heart is strong and healthy.

Lastly if you're serious about gaining weight you really need to head over to It has everything you need to know to gain weight.

Original article

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