How to Build Muscle - The One Critical Mistake You May Be Making

Like everybody, when I first started bodybuilding I made mistakes-to be honest I made so many that it was a joke. So in this article I am going to list the one crucial that you may be making-a mistake that can be holding you back in the gym, and what to do about it.


Yep, this is one of the biggest mistakes beginning and even advanced bodybuilders make. They feel that by simply adding more and more weight to the bar-or dumbbells-they will get massive. And while it is true that getting stronger is one way to get bigger, it is also true that if you are simply adding weight to add weight you are on the fast track to injury.

For example, people always complain that they cannot seem to get the old biceps to grow, then you watch them train and you figure out why. When these lifters curl, they are using every muscle EXCEPT the biceps to lift the weight. And then the wonder why they are not seeing any increase in arm size.


If this sounds like you-do not sweat it. Swallow your ego (yes I know it is hard) and take some weight off the bar and do each rep slowly and in control. Please do not confuse this with doing super slow reps where you take thirty seconds to lift the weight and thirty seconds to lower it.


But take the time to feel the biceps working with each rep-and do not be afraid to take even more weight off the bar if you have to. Remember this is bodybuilding not power lifting. When you get up on stage or are at the beach, no one is going to care about how much weight you can lift-you will either look good or you will not.


Along with this, try doing slightly higher reps per set-like sets of twelve to fifteen reps. I say this because when people start adding massive amounts of weight to the bar they tend to drop the reps (if you want to call them that) down to doing singles, doubles and triples. So by going up in reps, this will be a new stimulus to the biceps which can lead to new gains.

I know taking weight off the bar is tough, but just remember, by using less weight you will actually be helping yourself gain. And chances are those gains will be in the form of new muscle. Not a bad trade-off if you ask me!


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