How to Get Massive - Are You Training Your Most Powerful Muscle?

When most people think of powerful muscles, they usually think arms or chest. Some even think of think of the hips and back. And while these muscles are certainly powerful, they are no where near as powerful as the most powerful muscle you have. Your mind.

Yes, you read that correctly. Your mind or brain is your most powerful muscle, and if used properly can do more for your gains than you could imagine.

How? Simple.

First and foremost you cannot under any circumstances accept defeat. When you are in the gym training, you must always give it your best. Think about this for a minute. How many people do you know who have the best genetics, maybe better than the professionals, but simply do not train hard enough? Do not worry about genetics-give it your best.

Second, you must truly and honestly believe that you can do it-that you can be massive and gain huge amounts of muscle. Again, think about this, do you really believe it-or are you just giving it lip service. Arnold (no last name necessary) was a master at this, he would set a goal for himself and then he would go out and achieve it.


Most people fail because they set massive goals-things that are not really achievable, like dropping thirty pounds in month. Instead of doing this, set realistic goals, like adding pound to your over head press every other week.

Yes, I know this is a very small goal, but again, set your self up for success not failure. Achieve this goal then set another one and another one.

You know what will happen by the end of the year? All of those one pound gains (or whatever amount you choose) will add up to a tremendous amount. And chances are this will be reflected in your physique in a positive way that you can see in the mirror.

Same goes with your diet and eating plan, if you are trying to gain muscular body weight, try to consume just a little more protein every couple of weeks. Be it half a chicken breast or a protein shake. All of these added good calories will show up on your physique in positive way a little bit at a time.


Your mind truly is your most power muscle, but only if you use it.

Start right now by setting a small goal and then go out and achieve it! You will see, one small success will lead to another and then another. Then one day, you will look in the mirror and see the results of all those achieved goals.


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