How to Quickly Gain Fast Twitch Muscles

Skeletal muscle is composed of two types of fibers: slow or fast twitch. A particular muscle group can contain both bundles of the different fiber types, which work to contract your muscles at different times depending on the activity engaged. The fast muscles activate in performance movements involving rapid but short bursts of muscular energy, like sprinting or lifting high-load weights for low reps.

Generally, you are born with a specific amount of each type of fiber within different muscle groups. You are less likely to successfully develop greater bundles of slow twitch fibers, which are used for endurance activity. However, you do have the opportunity to train for and gain fast twitch muscles. If you are predisposed with a larger percentage of the fast twitch variety, it is especially important to work them regularly to support and stimulate continued performance and growth.

When it comes to building muscle, most people aim for pumping the guns up and structuring visually appealing, striated muscle groups. Most activities used to do this involve the fast twitch muscles. There are two types of these which are generally referred to as type IIa, or fast oxidative, and type IIb, or fast glycolytic. Muscles generally use fast oxidative before fast glycolytic because it is more efficient in most tasks performed utilizing that fiber group. However, serious athletes and bodybuilders tap into fast twitch fibers for longer than the average person keeping fit and this helps strengthen the fast glycolytic fibers as well as the oxidative. The advantage of getting use of both forms of fast twitch muscle fibers is optimized strength, muscle gain and longevity as well as the potential to continue making progress in perfecting the physique. The first rule to achieve them is therefore consistent training.

Tips to Gain Fast Twitch Fibers

Add speed endurance exercise to your weekly workout regimen. According to a 2010 publication in the "Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports," athletes that typically participate in intense exercise of shorter duration can also benefit from adding speed endurance sessions to training programs to improve muscle fiber adaptation and physiological changes.

Jump on the treadmill for a 20 minute brisk walk and then amp up the speed and jog for five to 10 minutes or simulate the same activity on a track. Add an activity similar to this once a week on non-weight training days.The fast twitch muscles engage quickly when you add speed to your exercise activity.

Perform fast, powerful movements, or plyometric, exercises. This type of exercise method really engages the fast twitch fibers because it requires you to move in ways your body is not necessarily use to, particularly if you are a bodybuilder. Your muscles are forced to contract rapidly during this kind of training and this improves overall muscle power. A simple way to think of it is likened to adding a jump to the end of each movement but in rapid succession. Take your common non-weighted squat or lunge reps and jump off the ground each time you come up from the movement. Make the squat or lunge a progression motion instead of a gradual rise and fall. Engage your arms during the motion by pumping them up and down to work the upper body fast twitch muscles.

Rope jumping or simulated rope jumping, like plyometrics, is also a beneficial exercise for training the fast twitch muscles. Include plyometric-type activity to one workout per week but do not add weight unless you can ensure proper form to prevent injury.

Turn one weight training session into a low-load but high-volume activity. This allows you to pump weights faster to stimulate the fast twitch fibers. For quick, optimal but safe results implement fast twitch targeted movements during weight training no more than twice a week. Include other types of these targeted exercises two or three times a week to avoid overdoing the activities. As with any new exercise in bodybuilding, you want to train for the best results in moderation not implement it full force and cause accidental regression.

Fitness guru Zoltan Bundler writes regularly on the topic of building muscle on his site For a free copy of his short no fluff report "Secrets to Bulking Up Fast Without the Fat" go straight to Secrets of Bulking Up then click on the photo.
© 2011 Zoltan Bundler All Rights Reserved

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