Various Types of Weightlifting Grips

There are so many different styles of grips to remember in the gym. Overhand, underhand, hook, false, alternate, wide and close. What are they and what are they useful for?

Overhand is when your palms are facing away from you when gripping the bar. Overhand grip is used mostly when doing back exercises like chin ups, lat pull down or barbell row and it is also used when doing bicep exercises like reverse curls. When using the overhand grip you are also working the wrist extensor muscles (muscles on top of the forearm) especially when doing reverse curls.

Underhand grip is when your palms are facing towards you on certain exercises. Underhand is used mostly when doing bicep exercises such as barbell bicep curls and reverse grip chin-ups. It can also be used to do back exercises such as reverse grip barbell row and underhand lat pull down. The only down side to using the underhand grip when doing back is it does get the biceps pretty involved when lifting the weight.

Hammer grip is mainly used when doing bicep curls but may also be used when doing chin ups. Hammer grip is when the palms of your hand are facing each other. When using a hammer grip the wrist extensors are involved a lot more due to how the wrist is positioned. The only negative aspect with hammer grip is if you have weak wrist extensors they will fatigue before your biceps. Therefore do hammer grip as last exercise in your routine.

Alternate grip is when one hand is under and one hand is over (usually strong hand over weak hand under.) Alternate grip is rarely used in the gym but is primarily used when doing deadlifts and maybe chin-ups. The theory is when using an alternate grip (especially with the deadlift) is that the trainer can lift a lot more weight.

The false grip is a pretty common grip mostly when doing bench press. I don't know why trainers tend to use this grip due to the fact that it is the most dangerous grip to use. Normally when gripping the bar with bench press you wrap your thumb around the bar and rest the bar in the palm of your hand. A false grip is slightly different, instead of wrapping your thumb around the bar you rest your thumb along the bar (like your giving a sideways thumbs up.) The danger with this is that there is nothing stopping the bar from rolling off the palm of your hand and land on your chest. I recommend using a false grip on machine exercises only.

Hook grip is used mostly when doing power cleans, snatch and maybe when doing deadlifts. To do a Hook grip you wrap your thumb around the bar and with your index, big and ring finger you pin your thumb to the bar. This helps hold the bar in place when doing power exercises like the clean and jerk. The only negative aspect of the hook grip is if you're not used to it then you will probably end up losing a lot of skin off your thumb at first.

A wide grip is a grip that is wider than shoulder width. When using a wide grip for a bench press you are minimising the amount of tricep involvement and maximising the chest involvement. When doing a wide grip bicep curl you are involving more the inner (short) head of the bicep. Wide grip chin ups involves a lot more bicep than lats. It all depends on what you want to do and what your goals are.

When using a close grip (like the wide grip) you are using slightly different muscles. Close grip bench press minimises chest involvement and maximises the tricep involvement. Close grip lat pull down minimises back and maximises bicep and wrist extensor involvement. Close grip bicep curl works the outer head of the bicep more than the short head.

As you can see there are so many different styles of grips to become familiar with when working out in the gym. I hope this report has given you a few pointers on what they do and what exercises they are good for and what the differences are.

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all aspects of grappling especially the fitness and conditioning aspect. Recently he has been traveling the world aiming to qualify for his second Olympic Games.
To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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Do You Suffer From Sore Wrists When Doing Bench Press?

A common injury when doing a lot of heavy pressing, such as bench and military press, is a sprained wrist. This is due to the extra flex-ion or hyper extension that happens to the wrist when under a heavy load. This usually occurs on days when the trainer is working their shoulders or chest muscles.

There are three ways to prevent yourself from suffering from a sprained wrist. For the purpose of this article I will be using the bench press as the example exercise.

The first, is simply to warm up. The purpose of a warm up is to get the blood pumping and the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons ready for exercise. So many trainers walk into the gym and start off lifting moderate to heavy loads without a thought of warming up.

A warm up is very important and only takes 5-10 minutes. I should also note that dynamic stretches are more beneficial than static stretches.

Secondly, when performing a lot of pressing movements trainers tend to concentrate more on just making sure they can lift the weight, opposed to lightening the load, having better technique and feeling your muscle work. For example how many people have you seen doing bench press with their wrists bent right back (hyper extended). After performing rep after rep of a bench with a bent backward wrist there is no wonder why they have a mildly sprained wrist. When you do heavy pressing movements concentrate on keeping your wrist straight, (I like to use the phrase to keep the wrist 'rock solid'.) Doing this will decrease the chance of a sprained wrist from having your wrist at an awkward angle.

If your wrist is still sore even after keeping it straight then you may need to use some wrist wraps. Wrist wraps are elastic and wrap around the wrist and prevent it from flexing and extending. In other words wrist wraps keep your wrist in a straight 'rock solid' position. The use of wrist wraps will prevent your wrist from flexing or hyper extending to the point of injury.

Wrist wraps are a really great invention and, depending on your training regime could be useful for you, especially if you consistently train with heavy weights.

It is very important that you stretch out the muscles you have been working. When lifting you are constantly contracting your muscles and they become tighter and tighter. If you are doing a lot of heavy pulling movements your forearms can become extremely tight resulting in a muscular imbalance in the forearm muscles. This can also be a factor in wrist injuries while performing heavy lifting.

In conclusion if you are constantly lifting heavy weights the smaller joints, such as the wrists, can attain an injury. Implementing strategies such as warming up, using wrist wraps and stretching will protect you from injury. Another important injury prevention strategy is looking at your lifting technique. If your wrists are continually hyper flexed or hyper extended then it is only a matter of time until you suffer an injury.

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all aspects of grappling especially the fitness and conditioning aspect. Recently he has been traveling the world aiming to qualify for his second Olympic Games.

To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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Training Methods for Strength and Muscle Gain

In previous articles, we described various training methods that helped you succeed and reach the targets you have set. The method we will be showing to you in this article is one of my favorites and is guaranteed to make you stronger and bigger in a relatively short time frame. Just a few weeks later you will start noticing some benefits in both strength and mass.

It is a training method called 21 or its alternative variation called 28. The concept is to perform the same exercise in three or four different ways. So, how exactly is this training method being carried out?

Let us say that biceps are scheduled in our today's workout. Starting with the 21 variation of the method, you grab a curl bar and do six regular reps. Continue by doing another six reps only this time you do the motion from the middle and up to the top and you complete the exercise by doing another six from the lowest point up to the middle of the motion range. It is important not to rest between the different moves.

The muscle burn and the feeling of your muscles being on the verge of exploding is unique! You can apply this method to all exercises in every muscle group that you train. Go easy on the weights at the beginning until you have adjusted properly and you have learned the technique. It is also important not to cheat. If you feel that you cannot complete the exercise, then consider reducing the weights or the reps.

The 28 variation of this great strength training method is actually the same as the 21 plus an extra set of reps that are being performed slowly. After completing the six regular reps, continue performing six reps extra slow and then do the upper half and the down half movement. The aim of this extreme training method is to give your muscular system a shock that will trigger the muscle growth procedure. As to the question how long to stick with this program, I would suggest 10 weeks max in order to avoid muscle adaptation.

Do not forget that even the best workout plans need to be combined with proper nutrition, supplementation and recovery time in order to give you 100% percent results. Patience and persistence are also two factors that are necessary while you work hard in the gym.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area. Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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Seven Reasons to Take L-Carnitine

The first scientific studies regarding L-Carnitine started back in the '30s and the major benefits of this amino acid were gradually revealed. L-Carnitine is being synthesized from lysine and methionine. Those two amino acids interact inside the body and produce L-Carnitine.

What makes L-Carnitine really special and important is the fact that it helps you improve yourself and achieve your goals in the gym. It doesn't matter if you are aiming for muscle build, fat loss or strength increase. L-Carnitine is the nutritional support you need to achieve it. Let us see how this happens:

1) Strength
L-Carnitine helps you peak on strength and is very crucial while you are trying to increase your strength levels. Athletes who took Carnitine claimed that they almost instantly added a 10% percent on their weight-lifting!

2) Muscle Mass
Even a beginner can easily understand that more strength means more weight and more weight means more muscle mass. Not to mention that strength increase results to a growing feeling of self-confidence and well-being, which is an extra advantage towards success.

3) Infertility Treatment
Among others, the studies have also shown that L-Carnitine can be used additionally to male infertility treatment. Low sperm counts increased after regular intake of this amino acid.

4) Skeletal Structure Mass
One of the most common and unpleasant issues that aging people and especially women are facing is a decrease of bone mass. This can eventually lead to osteoporosis. Supplementation with L-Carnitine slows this process down and helps with quicker healing of bone micro injuries.

5) Beneficial for Cardiovascular Exercise
This "magic" amino acid is also helpful while you are in a cardio phase since it strengthens all body parts and in general, the whole organism.

6) Antioxidant Function
Free radicals contribute to faster aging and weaken the human immune system. Antioxidants like vitamins are natural "cleaners" of our blood stream by reducing the amount of free radicals that circulate in our vessels. L-Carnitine functions as an antioxidant as well, helping you to maintain your health.

7) Fat Loss
Carnitine helps you while you are trying to get leaner and lose fat. Its ability to convert fat cells into energy is all you need in your fight against extra fat.

After reviewing all those benefits of this amino acid the question that naturally emerges is how much L-Carnitine should someone intake in order to get the benefits mentioned above? Well, if you are working out regularly I would recommend taking about 3 grams per day. You can find L-Carnitine in the form of capsules or liquid. You can also intake it from food sources but this way you will not be able to reach the amount recommended above. You can combine both ways.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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Muscle Building Routine - Working With a Good Bodybuilding Routine

If you want to build muscles easily, you will have to create and follow a good workout routine. There are so many things to consider when creating a routine, some of them are:

1. Body Type: You should first know the type of body you have. They are of two types, the first type is the one that experiences easy weight lose and the second is the one that finds it difficult to lose weight. If you find it difficult to lose body fat, then you will have to work extra hard to gain muscles because your body is not easily stressed and your muscle requires more stress to grow. Also if you lose weight easily, you will find it very easy to build muscles.

2. Time: This is a very important factor to consider when creating or planning your Muscle Building routine, first you should know how much time you can spend on your daily routine, if you are the busy type, it will be better to create a routine that requires you to work hard and short. This can be done by lifting heavier weights over a short period of time until you are unable to continue, but if you have so much time you can take your time.

3. Type of Exercise: This is very important because some Muscle Building exercise will have very little or no effect on your muscles, make sure you add exercises like Squats, Dead Lifts and all types of Weight Lifting exercises.

When creating a bodybuilding plan, it is also better to add exercises that will affect all parts of your body, if you focus on your chest, you won't have muscles on your legs, back and arms. This is not good as it will never make you strong and attractive, you have to build muscles on every part of your body.

If you lose weight easily or pressure is easily exerted on your body, it is advisable to do your normal routines of squats and heavy weight lifting at the gym, but if your muscle is not easily stressed, you should add running and swimming to your daily workouts and also eat small portions of food every 4 hours for steady supply of food nutrient.

After creating a good Workout plan, make sure you write it down and follow it daily. Make sure you stretch your muscles before you start each day's workout. It is also preferable to use a gym where you can have a personal trainer who can always assist you.

For more tips and recommended Muscle Building Exercises that speeds up muscle growth, browse through my website at:

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Is Human Growth Hormone Worth It?

There is a lot of debate about whether Human Growth Hormone supplements should be legal or not. We are not going to get into this debate. I will just analyze HGH as a natural substance produced by the body itself and how to increase its amounts naturally.

Human Growth Hormones benefits are numerous, especially for people who are involved with bodybuilding and other strength sports. However, considering the fact that HGH can also be in taken as supplementation containing several risks the question remains. Is the risk worth it? Before we jump to any conclusions let us analyze the benefits of Human Growth Hormone.

HGH is being produced in the hypothalamus like testosterone. The amount of HGH is higher in young people. It is responsible for growth, muscle regeneration, skin and tissue rebuild. It also helps the body metabolism to burn more and easier fat. It produces more energy and it improves sexuality a. Lack of HGH has been proven to cause sleeping disorders. That is one of the reasons why elderly people wake up several times during the night and are having difficulties reaching the REM sleeping stage where the human body is actually resting and the muscles are regenerating. Knowing that HGH is extremely beneficial, especially for people who work out, I give you some natural ways to increase your HGH:

Increase your Training Intensity
It has been proven that high intensity training forces the body to produce more HGH in order to replace the muscle cells that were destroyed through your training. So, try to work out with maximum intensity. This will also help you increase your testosterone levels.

Watch your Diet
Bad nutrition and low HGH levels are connected. Avoid fats and foods that produce cholesterol. Eat foods that contain anti oxidants and the B- complex vitamins. Vitamin C and Glutamine are also known to increase HGH.

Rest Properly
More than 75% of the quantity of HGH that is being daily produced is released during night sleep and especially during the deepest phase which is called REM. You can understand how important it is to sleep and rest properly in order to keep your HGH levels high.

HGH Supplements
When we say supplementation in HGH, we mean steroidogenic injections. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it. The potential health risk is just too high. However, many people find HGH supplementation extremely helpful for massive and quick muscle growth. Nevertheless, as I mentioned above I would rather stick to my "ordinary" supplements like Whey Protein, Amino Acids, Glutamine, Creatine, etc. than experiment with my body.

As a conclusion I would say that all of us who are sweating in the gym and are aiming to build strength and muscle have to understand the significance of natural Human Growth Hormone and try to keep its levels up by following these simple tips mentioned above.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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How to Reduce Carbohydrate Intake Without Losing Energy

Most of us just before the summer begins are trying desperately to lose those extra pounds of fat which we gained over the winter trying to build muscle. The truth is that despite what the so-called experts claim, it is almost impossible to gain muscle without gaining some fat percentage. I wouldn't consider this as a problem as long as the fat intake remains controllable. By saying controllable we mean that you should be able to get rid of it in a month by following the proper diet and a muscle definition-fat loss workout program.

In previous articles, I listed some tips on how to lose this extra fat and define your muscles. This time I would like to focus on the benefits of following a low-carb diet and the effects this will have for your muscle definition.

First of all, we have to make it clear that a low-carb diet should be only followed while you are in the muscle definition routine. Any attempt to do that while you are on a mass gain or strength training program could result on lack of energy and would give you a constant feeling of exhaustion.

So, your goal should be to reduce your daily carbs intake and in the same time increase alternative energy sources.

Proteins and Healthy Fats
While every gram of carbs gives you about 4 calories, every gram of protein or healthy fat gives you equally 4-5 grams. That means increasing your protein and healthy fat intake will replace the energy you have lost reducing the carbs. If you are wondering how to do that simply eat more chicken breast, tuna, beef, egg whites, etc. For healthy fats consume more fish oil, flaxseed oil, almonds, avocado, peanuts, etc. Not to mention that your supplement for this period should be a high quality lean (low carb) protein.

Carbs before Training
Make sure that the carbs you are still in taking are being consumed a few hours prior your workout. That way, you ensure that the carbs are converted to energy and aren't being stored as fat.

Limit your Cardio
Although fat loss and muscle definition require cardiovascular exercise, it is better to reduce your cardio training while you are on a low-carbs diet. After all you want to save your energy for your weight training.

As a conclusion we might say that a low-carb diet can be beneficial for fast muscle definition and weight loss. However, in long-term I would suggest you take about 50% of your daily calorie intake from carbohydrates. Just remember not to consume foods that contain lots of carbs prior going to bed. The unconsumed energy will end up being stored as fat.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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Should I Train With Kettlebells?

Over the years there have literally been hundreds and hundreds of fitness and strength training fads that have come and gone. Through these times the Kettlebell has hung in there. This proves that the individuals who are using Kettlebells are seeing results, that is why you can find a set of Kettlebells in Martial arts centers as well as Crossfit and commercial gyms.

But what is the Kettlebell and how does it work?

The Kettlebell is simply a round lump of cast iron with a flat base and a handle. Due to the handle being on the top of the weight the center of gravity is extended resulting in the participant being able to perform a variety of explosive movements.

Are you saying that all I need is a Kettlebell?

Kettlebells are a fantastic training tool, but it is just a training tool. A tradesman has a tool belt with various tools in it, each tool is used for a different purpose. The Kettlebell is no different. It is not a piece of training equipment that will give you everything you need but it does target a lot of training areas.

When fitness trainers ask me why I train with Kettlebells I simply tell them the following:

They take up very little room

I leave my Kettlebell in the trunk of my car and if I don't have enough time in my lunch break to go to the gym, I take out the Kettlebell and perform one of the workouts in this manual.

Compound movements

Kettlebells are effective because they don't isolate one muscle group (like machine weights) but target various muscle groups at once.

Functional Strength

Have you ever wrestled someone who can barely bench press 60lbs but when you have wrestled them they are as strong as an Ox? That's functional strength. Put simply - it's being strong when it matters most.

Targets stabilizer muscles

The Kettlebell targets your stabilizer muscles because it is an uneven weight. Therefore we have to work extra hard to push, pull and control it.

Your Heart rate will sky rocket

Performing 5-10 Minutes of the Kettlebell swing will have you wishing you were doing the cross-country instead. Exercises such as the Swing and clean and press will really test your strength endurance.

Strengthens your glutes

The Kettlebells signature technique "the Swing" targets your glutes, which is an area of the body that is neglected by most athletes and trainers. The Kettlebell 10

Swing not only strengthens the glutes which will develop a lot more power in the lower body and hips.

Full body movements

Each exercise targets more than half your body. Whether you are performing a swing, squat pull or overhead press you will always be using more than one muscle group. This is great for strikers and grapplers as we are constantly using more than one muscle when fighting.

Grip strength

Gripping the handle for 5 Minutes will have your forearms screaming.

Unilateral training

Have one arm stronger than the other? Simply perform more reps on one side.

Increased fat loss

Whether you are using Kettlebells or not, working out a higher intensity will burn more calories during exercise. Great for people who want to lose weight and tone up.

In the end Kettlebells are just a tool in your tool belt. This simply means that Kettlebells aren't the be all and end of strength and conditioning. There are many different types of training methods and techniques and training with Kettlebells will definitely assist in your fitness and conditioning as well as core strength but it won't target every trainers individual needs.

Workouts examples:

Workout 1:

50 Kettlebell swings

20 Burpees

Repeat as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Workout 2:

60 Clean and Presses (30 Each hand)

200 Skips

40 Clean and Presses (20 Each hand)

150 Skips

20 Clean and Presses (10 Each hand)

100 Skips

10 Clean and Presses (5 Each hand)

50 Skips

Repeat three rounds with a 5 minute break in between each set

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt D'Aquino is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all forms of grappling and is on the journey to qualify for his 2nd Olympic Games.
To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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Build Your Legs and Torso at the Same Time

This plan will allow you to throw down a 45kg goblet squat in just six weeks. For all exercises, make sure that your upper body stays rigid so that your glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings do most of the heavy lifting.

Forty five kilograms may not sound like all that much, but wait till you try it. Once you're able to bang out a few sets of 10 with this weight, you'll realize the full body benefits of squats.

Weeks One and Two

Hone your technique. Five days a week, do two to three sets of five to 20 reps of goblet squats. Use a light dumbbell, or even a heavy book.

Week Three

Do the following squat routines three days a week, resting for at least a day between sessions. You'll improve your technique and increase strength and muscle endurance.

Day One: Do a 'rack walk-up': grab the lightest dumbbell you can find and do a set of 5 goblet squats. Return the weight to the rack and grab the next heaviest dumbbell. The exchange should take less than 20 seconds. Do another set, then keep moving on to heavier weights until you find a dumbbell that's challenging to lift but still allows perfect technique.

Day Two: Do the first day in reverse: a 'rack walk-down'. Start with the second heaviest dumbbell you managed on day one, doing a set of five reps. Move down the rack, lifting a lighter weight for each set of five. Aim for a total of 10 to 12 sets, resting for no more than 20 seconds between sets.

Day Three: Combine your workouts from days one and two. You'll start by moving up in weight, doing sets of five repetitions. When you reach your heaviest weight, work back down the rack. Rest for two days before your next squat workout.

Week Four

By now you should feel comfortable doing the goblet squat. You'll focus on building muscle and strength with the routines below.

Day One: Do two sets of 20 repetitions using a dumbbell that challenges you in the last five reps. Rest for two minutes between sets.

Day Two: Choose a weight that makes it difficult to finish 10 reps. Do three sets of 8 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets.

Day Three: Do a rack walk-up. Aim for three reps with each weight, stopping when you feel your technique beginning to falter.

Week Six

This week's theme is simple: if you can pick it up, you can squat it.

Day One: Do a regular rack walk-down, doing three reps per set with a heavy weight. Then do another rack walk-down, this time starting with a slightly heavier dumbbell. Rest for no more than 20 seconds between sets and for 30 seconds between walk-downs.

Day Two: Do a couple of light warm up sets of goblet squats, then do the rack walk-up twice. Do three reps per set and rest for up to 30 seconds between sets.

Day Three: Do a few easy sets to warm up. Then find the heaviest dumbbell you can lift - aim for 45 kg or more - and do the goblet squat.

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

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10 Tips on Adding Muscle Mass

If gaining muscle mass is a goal with your fitness training, the following 10 tips should be of interest:

Progressive Overload
Ideal Frequency
Right Intensity
Calorie Excess
Rest Days
Reduce your Stress Load
Adequate Sleep
Adequate Protein
Exercise Selection

1. You want to aim for Progressive Overload when you are training. That means the volume of your training has to be increased as you add muscle mass, this ensures you are continually improving.

2. You want to get the right Exercise Selection. The exercises you select should target all of your main muscle groups, and promote muscular balance. Free weights and body weight exercises are preferable over machine training. Good exercises include deadlifts, squats, lunges, pull-ups, and push-ups.

3. Training at the Right Intensity is important for adding muscle mass. Key elements to consider are the number of repetitions (or reps) of each set, rest period in-between each set, total volume, and overall training duration:

8-12 reps for each set1 to 2 minutes rest in-between setsThe total number of sets is ideally 20-25, although no more than 30 to 36 of sets should be performed at any once training sessionTrain for 45 to 60 minutes maximum

4. The Ideal Frequency is to train each main muscle group once or twice a week.

5. Allow your muscle Rest Days. Your muscles grow when they are recovering from your training, so allow them this recovery time. Your nervous system takes longer to repair than your muscles. If your muscles have recovered from your last workout, but you struggle to lift the same weight as your last workout, your body is still recovering. In this case, you need to give your body more rest before your next session.

6. To build muscle you need to be in Calorie Excess. Therefore, you need to eat slightly more food during the days after your training. This ensures your body has the necessary energy to build more muscle.

7. As well as being in calorie excess, you want to make sure you are eating Adequate Protein during the days after your training. Sources of protein include cheese, nuts, eggs, beef, chicken, fish, and protein shakes. Aim to eat some protein at each mealtime.

8. Ensure you are well hydrated by drinking enough Water. Muscle is around 75% water, so this is vital in building muscle mass.

9. High stress living does not facilitate good muscle mass. The stress hormone cortisol can lead to a breakdown of your muscle mass. So look to Reduce your Stress Load.

10. Aim to get Adequate Sleep by going to bed at 10pm and getting up after 6am. Physical repair happens from 10pm to 2am, so you need to be in bed on-time.

Lorna Balfour a personal trainer and lifestyle coach based in central London. She works with confident women who are passionate about transforming their health and fitness. She offers passion and energy into finding practical coaching to meet each person's specific needs.

Check out her website to find out more about how she works -

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How To Gain Weight And Build Muscle

If you've set the goal to focus on building more lean muscle mass to reshape your body, there are many different elements that you're going to want to consider.

Many people think that all they have to do is walk into a gym and pick up a few weights, but building muscle is much more than just that.

More and more men are seeing the covers of magazines and striving to look like the ideal 'model' that graces the cover but in their quest, they're approaching their workouts and diet in the wrong manner.

Let's have a look at some simple tips that you should remember to help you build muscle more effectively and reach your end goal.

Getting Your Diet In Order

The very first thing that you must do is make sure that your diet is in order. Simply put, if you're not feeding your body the quality nutrients it needs to generate more lean muscle mass, you'll be facing a losing battle. You can't build muscle out of thin air, so the right food at the right time is imperative.

First, start making sure you consume at least three meals each day and with each of these meals, take in a high quality source of protein such as chicken, lean beef, fish, eggs, low fat dairy products, or seafood. Along with this, pair together a slower digesting carbohydrate source such as oatmeal, potatoes, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice. These will supply your body with the energy it needs to get through your workouts as well as complete the muscle building process.

Fat is also important when trying to build muscle in moderate amounts because it's necessary to keep your testosterone levels higher and will also help you get your calorie intake up high enough to promote lean muscle mass gains.

Focus on the healthy fats that come from olive oil, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, flaxseeds, and avocado. These are going to promote healthy much better than saturated fat or trans fat varieties. Omega fats are especially important to take in and will be found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

Finally, make sure that you add some fresh fruits and vegetables to your meal plan as well. You don't want to overdo the volume on these as they will fill you up quickly and don't provide all that many calories, but three or four servings of fruits and a few servings of vegetables each day will ensure you maintain proper health.

After you've formed your diet, stick with it for two weeks and if you aren't seeing muscle growth, start doubling up on some of your servings to boost your calorie intake higher. Likewise, if you're gaining fat while building muscle, reduce your food intake slightly as this indicates that you're consuming just a few too many calories total.

Finally, be sure to stay adequately hydrated to promote optimal energy levels and cleanse the body. Aim for 1.5 liters of water per day taking in another 2-3, 8 oz. glasses around the workout period.

Being Smart With Your Workouts

Moving on to the workout side of things, make sure that you are lifting with intensity. If you want to build muscle, you need to give your body a reason to build that new muscle mass.

Focus on performing compound exercises primarily, which are movements that will work multiple muscle groups all at once. Good examples of this include the bench press, squat, deadlifts, shoulder presses, bent over rows, pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, leg press, and step-ups.

Pick two exercises per muscle group and aim to complete 4-8 sets total amongst those two exercises.
In addition to that, if you're looking for power development, aim for 3-6 reps per set performed while if you're aiming for pure size growth, take it a little higher up to 6-12 reps per set.

If you're someone who wants to focus on muscular endurance, then aiming for 12-20 reps per set will be ideal.
Try and devise a program plan that allows you to work each muscle group two to three times per week, making sure that you take at least one day off between working each muscle group and one day off for complete rest each week.

If you can put all of these tips together with your approach while making sure that you're getting at least eight hours of sleep each night to boost your recovery and muscular repair, it won't be long before you have a new body looking back at you in the mirror.

For more helpful tips and information about a diet to gain weight please visit

A bit of background information I have been into bodybuilding for about 5 years, but only in the past 12 months have I decided to help people achieve their goals, I am a qualified nutrition and weight management advisor so I help people lose weight but my passion lies in bodybuilding so I wrote a website to give people a better understanding of how to gain weight in the form of muscle just so I might be able to help people try to achieve a better physique and their bodybuilding goals my website is

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Best Muscle Building Tips Ever - Secrets to Gain Real Muscles in a Shorter Time

Muscle building is very easy, if you have access to the right tip and follow them as stated. Before now, most people have tried to build muscles and have been unsuccessful, this is very common. The reason for this is that, either they don't have access to the right information or are not following them seriously. There are some tips you must take note of, if you want to build muscles successfully and quickly. Some of them include working hard, eating the right food, training consistently and resting properly.

One of the most important ways to build muscle quickly is by eating the right food and in the right way. If you really want to build muscles, you will have to eat more of protein food and less of carbohydrates. Avoid unhealthy fat, eat healthy fatty foods. You can eat protein foods like boiled or baked chicken, beans and turkey. Also carbohydrate foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread. If you must use oil when cooking, use olive or coconut oil, do not use groundnut of vegetable oil. You should also consume lots of vegetables and drink plenty of water.

The second tip is to work hard, take your routine seriously. Try always to do your daily exercise until you are unable to continue, this will stress your muscles and provide more opportunity for growth. One very important exercise you must add to your routine is weight lifting, without this you won't be able to get a good result quickly. Also you will have to workout consistently, you can't do your routine once a week and expect to get the same result as someone who does his routine trice a week.

Another important bodybuilding tip is having enough rest. After your daily routine, it is advisable to rest for at least 24 hours as this will allow your muscle to heal and grow. If you don't allow your muscles to heal before you continue with your workout, you might injure them thereby making growth difficult. Do not lift heavy weights everyday. Also you should sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day, because your muscle grows best during sleep. Another very important tip is to take a week off after 8 weeks of extensive workouts.

Follow the above tips strictly and in less than two weeks you will see a tremendous improvement in your muscle growth. You don't have to workout for months before seeing result.

If you want to become a successful muscle builder and begin to build muscles really fast, then download my e-book on how to build real muscles in two weeks by subscribing to my newsletter. You can get more muscle building tips on my website.

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Six Tips to Become a Perfect Bodybuilder

If you are among those who like to see bodybuilding as a sport and not just an everyday task that you cannot avoid, we give you a few tips on how to become a perfect bodybuilder. Being a perfect bodybuilder doesn't necessarily mean to have a massive, muscular and defined body. That will be your ultimate goal, but it is the whole attitude that you must have towards bodybuilding that will eventually lead you to success.

Bodybuilding is not just a sport and with certainty it is not just what you see on magazine covers or in professional contests. Bodybuilding is a way of living and it is being proven that beyond the physical benefits it also offers mental balance. So, these are some things to do in order to integrate bodybuilding in your daily life the proper way:

1) Setting Long-Term Goals
Make sure that you set long-term goals. You cannot expect to see results if you give up in a month or two, or if you stop and start all the time. Bodybuilding is not a sport that will give you a decent body only for the summer. It must be a whole year activity so that your body gains a muscle-building rhythm.

2) Resting and Recovering
Since knowing that muscle development and regeneration occurs during sleeping hours and in general during resting hours you can understand how important it is to sleep and rest enough. Furthermore, make sure that you leave a resting period of at least two days between each body part workout.

3) Keep it Short and Intense
You can socialize in the gym after you are through with your workout. Warm up, hit the weights and don't rest longer than 40 seconds between the Individual sets. That way, you ensure that the trained muscle is being pumped and led to exhaustion.

4) Importance of Nutrition and Supplementation
Always keep in mind that bodybuilding is a lot more than spending time in the gym lifting weights. It is actually a triangle that consists of training nutrition and resting. Each one of them is of equal importance. Neglecting one of them will lead to poor results. Supposedly, you are already working on a training program you should also make sure that you adopt a bodybuilding meal plan and get a quality protein shake.

5) Researching and Learning
Bodybuilding is actually more than a sport. It is an evolving science. Read quality magazines, search in the internet for quality articles and guidelines, ask more experienced bodybuilders and above all experiment with different exercises and techniques to see what works best for you. I must admit that after 19 years in bodybuilding, I am still discovering new stuff and I am still correcting mistakes.

6) Love what you are doing
This rule is maybe the most important one. Like everything else in life, you must love it in order to do it right. If for any reason you think that being a bodybuilder just isn't your thing, then you should consider trying something else. If on the other hand, you have this feeling of sweet exhaustion every time you exit the gym and you are happy about the changes you witness on your body, then stick with it and enjoy every moment.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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3 Quick Changes You Can Make To Radically Accelerate Your Bodybuilding Success

Achieving an amazing physique takes years. It's certainly not a feat that can be achieved overnight. You train hard in the gym, you stay disciplined in the kitchen, you use supplements wisely, and you sleep as much as you can. The results arrive slowly but surely, in the form of a body which holds more muscle, and is capable of greater strength and stamina. There are some minor aspects of your overall combination of factors which can radically speed up process in all other areas. Let's take a look at these factors.

Slow Down, Sweetie!

First of all, you need to cut back on your overall sugar intake. Whether it's a few packets of sugar in your morning tea, a red bull before a workout, or a little ice cream after a meal or three each day. The sugars your intake anytime in your day except during that post-workout anabolic window are working in a very convincing manner to dismantle your bodybuilding progress. Cut out the junk for just four weeks, and observe just how much better your look, feel and perform in the gym and everywhere else.

Spike Your "flow"

Water and fiber are the two factors that are very commonly ignored by bodybuilders who already feel they drink enough. The truth is that the activities in which they engage, coupled with the diet they use, actually create a demand for MORE fiber and water than the normal person needs. Training hard with the weights and using caffeine products, along with other supplements, dehydrates the human body in a major way. This is why bodybuilders should be drinking at least a gallon of water per day, with 1.5 to 2.0 gallons being ideal, particularly when using supplements such as creatine. Fiber should be increased, in both natural food and supplement form, to combat the distress one places upon the digestive system by consuming a pound or more of meat each day, along with protein powder, which often doesn't sit well in the gut.

It's All About The Z's

As you may already know, sleep is what we squeeze in when we're not getting busy with the rest of life. Address as many factors of your sleep pattern as possible. The number of hours, the position you choose, the style of pillow, and the darkness in the room. You need more sleep, no matter who you are!

There's a good chance that you're already doing MOST of the things right needed to gradually and consistently build a great physique. Addressing these three points - getting your sugar levels right, your digestion sped up, and your quality and quantity of sleep improved can be those final steps you need to speed up your muscle growth. Good luck!

If you want to get in the best shape of your life - you need to check out Primal Muscle. There you will find the hottest training strategies, nutrition tips, diet plans, and even custom workouts... plus you will have access to world-class sports supplements that will help you reach your goals fast... don't delay - visit the Primal Muscle Training Blog today!

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Helpful Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

Bodybuilding has been a popular sport for many decades, and today there are more and more people getting into it. When you are first starting out in the world of bodybuilding, you'll find that you have a lot to learn. Beginners can't just jump right in and start working out with the heaviest weights, nor should they be doing too much all at once. You need to give yourself time to learn the basics. Later, when you learn how to do everything properly, and start working out with heavier weights, you will find that your body is getting in great shape in much less time than you ever expected. Remember to also ask the trainers at the gym, and your bodybuilding friends, for tips to get the most out of your workout.

Bodybuilding Tips

Some of the bodybuilding tips you read here may seem basic and more like common sense than anything else, but they really are things that you need to know before you go ahead and start working out. For example, the first thing you need to think about when you are bodybuilding, or doing any other type of exercise, is comfort. You need to have comfortable, loose clothing to work out in - clothing that allows you to move around easily.

And you need to cover up. Guys, you may think you look great when you work out shirtless, but others working out around you, especially women, may find it offensive. Ladies, the same thing goes for you. Wearing tight, revealing workout clothing is not only bad for exercising in, but you also risk offending other women and distracting men from their workouts.

Wearing the right clothing is just one of many bodybuilding tips for beginners. Another important tip is to always remember to do warm up exercises before getting into your actual workout. Without doing the proper stretches, you risk a number of muscular injuries, such as strains and tears, and you can even break bones. It's also important to remember not to overstretch when warming up, as this can be just as harmful, or even more so, than not stretching at all.

You also need to make sure that you are hydrated at all times while working out. Exercise causes you to sweat, making it even more necessary to constantly keep re-hydrating yourself. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after workouts. Make sure that you always have a bottle of water with you. This is also a good way to get into the habit of drinking water throughout the day, which you should do regularly, even if you aren't exercising or bodybuilding.

One of the most important things to know when bodybuilding is how to perform exercises properly. When you use improper form or movement you risk injury to your muscles, bones, and joints, and at the very least end up being extremely sore after working out. If you are just getting into bodybuilding, it's a good idea to get a personal trainer, or find a trainer at the local gym to help you figure out which exercises you need to be doing, and how to do each of them properly to get the most benefit and not hurt yourself.

One of the most important, if not the most important, bodybuilding tips you will ever receive, is to follow a diet that is healthy and well-balanced, with all the nutrients you need to be healthy and build big, strong muscles. In fact, it's a good idea to discuss your diet with a physician, dietitian, or nutritionist, especially if this is a subject that you know little about. With their help, you will learn all about healthy eating and which foods will benefit your workouts the most. You may even be advised to use protein supplements, as they will provide the protein you need for energy and muscle recovery following workouts, as well as a number of other vitamins and nutrients.

Using protein supplements is a great way for everyone, not just bodybuilders, to get the nutrients that are missing from their diets. You'll find that there are many different types of protein supplements available on the market today, from snacks (such as bars and even jerky treats), to protein powders, to liquid protein supplements, and even delicious candy for those with a sweet tooth.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at

Copyright - Protica Research -

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The Difference in Female Bodybuilding, Figure Competitions, Bikini Contests, and Women's Physique

If you are new to the sport of figure competitions and women's physique contests you may have seen those glamorous figure models on the cover of magazines and on websites.

If you ever had the desire or goal to look like one of these figure models and sport the look of fabulous and sexy muscle, then here are a few quick and easy tips and guidelines to help you decide on your new fitness journey.

Female Bodybuilding - The whole women's fitness movement began with female bodybuilding contests, the first legit one starting in 1978. From then on the women became more and more competitive, working harder to gain more muscle and decrease body fat. Female bodybuilders had perfected the sport by the late 1990's and competition was so great that only the best of the best could survive on stage with a chance of going pro.

Figure Competitions - The popular figure competition is a spawn off of female bodybuilding. It was introduced in 2001 to allow women to compete who didn't want to obtain a great amount of muscle. Figure competitions opened the door so that almost any woman can compete with a chance at placing. However, as the years passed, the figure competitors, too, became more competitive, getting more and more muscular and defined. This division also became somewhat secluded where only the best of the best could place well and become pro.

Bikini Contests - As the figure competitions grew in popularity, so did the competitors muscle, which opened a door to another new division to allows more women to compete on stage without having to build muscle. This new category is the bikini contest. The bikini competitors don't need to display any muscle or definition. They simply have to look good in a bikini and pose according to the guidelines.

Women's Physique Contest - The women's physique contest was introduced in 2010, another new division for women. Basically, the women's physique contest is a lighter version of female bodybuilding. While the women are allowed to have muscle, NPC guidelines state that they can't have striated in muscle detail. Also, there is no lat spread, front and back biceps poses are executed with open hands, and feet must be placed to the side on the front and back poses rather than flat-footed. Also, the side chest pose is executed with arms extended.

To decide with fitness category you would like to compete in it is a good idea to read more on each and attend a competition so you can see the classes and how the women look on stage.

Now, if you want MORE information on figure competition diets to really melt body fat, you need to Click Here and get a sneak peek at what the IFBB Figure Pro competitors are doing to slash body fat and win competitions!

For IFBB Figure Pro Approved diets, training programs, and cardio systems take a peek at Right Now and get the insider tips!

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Analyzing Stereotypes in Bodybuilding

When you present the word "bodybuilder" to the average American, he or she is going to come up with one of three immediate and predictable reactionary words. The first will be "Arnold!", indicating their knowledge of the sport of building new muscle mass and strength is limited to what Hollywood told them. The second might be 'drugs', in which case they have been trained by an ignorant and biased media to associate anyone with biceps measuring greater than 12 inches to have been injecting testosterone into their backside twice a day. And the third may be some classic stereotype of the lunkhead, meat head obnoxious bodybuilder. Let's look at the good, the bad, and the ugly perceptions of those who lift iron, and how these stereotypes can be better managed.

The Good

The ideal bodybuilder is one that lifts and enjoys it as a way to improve his or her own life - and that's it. They don't preach to others, but they're happy to help. They look and feel healthy. They aren't covered in acne, they aren't bloated, and they aren't forcing their lifestyles upon anyone else. This is the categories in which most lifters fall. In fact, with some smaller framed lifters, you don't even know they practice well balanced bodybuilding training until you see them sans shirt. They keep their lifting on the down-low!

The Bad

You've seen these guys, and there's a good chance you've been this guy before. They want to talk about bodybuilding 24/7. They carry protein shakers to the bathroom with them in case their anabolic window happens to try to close while they're urinating. They have FLEX mags everywhere, and they're always on the forums. They leave written diets in the company lunchroom next to the cooler they use to bring their 4 meals for an 8-hour shift. They're obnoxious, but not overbearing.

The Ugly

Worst. Bodybuilder. Ever. They use the word "bro" in every sentence. They wear TWO bandanas. Their vintage 1980's Zubaz shorts and Optimix shoes were actually purchased in the 1980s. And they love spandex. They spend 3 hours in the gym talking, and 27 minutes training. They carry more Tupperware than a Walmart SuperCenter. And we won't even talk about their bodily emissions...

It's okay to work out and it's okay to talk about it. But there's no need to shove it in the face of others. You should never "suggest" to someone that they need to work out - there's a good chance they already know it! Be there for friendly advice if they ask, but beyond there, just live your life and be the best "you" that you can be.

If you want to get in the best shape of your life - you need to check out Primal Muscle. There you will find the hottest training strategies, nutrition tips, diet plans, and even custom workouts... plus you will have access to world-class sports supplements that will help you reach your goals fast... don't delay - visit the Primal Muscle Training Blog today!

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Insulin Sensitivity and Muscle Building

Those of you fellow bodybuilders, who have done some research on the scientific side of muscle development, are probably aware of insulin and its significance. To understand the importance of this hormone I can only mention that insulin regulates body functions such as gaining or losing weight, how carbohydrates are metabolized to glucose and in what form they are being stored inside the muscle tissue.

The problem with insulin is that its levels in the blood aren't stable and they get affected from our daily nutrition. The term "insulin sensitivity" refers to the ability a person's organism has to obtain the right levels of the hormone in the blood in order to metabolize the carbohydrates into glucose, which is practically pure energy for the muscle. Rich insulin amounts inside our blood stream means that whenever we consume food that contains carbohydrates (pasta, bread, potatoes, oats, etc.) they are converted into glucose ready to give you energy for your next workout. On the other hand, low levels of insulin will lead to fat storage as glucose will fail to be converted to energy. This will ultimately result to lack of energy and even worse to some form of diabetes.

After describing this process, you can clearly understand how important insulin is for obtaining and gaining lean muscle and also for keeping your "batteries" filled with energy. So, you are probably wondering what to do to keep your insulin levels high and most important how to increase insulin sensitivity in order to gain the maximum out of this hormone. Here, I give you four tips to accomplish that:

1) Consume Quality Carbohydrates
Not all carbohydrates will promote insulin balance. Prefer the ones that are not refined. For example, boiled potatoes than fried, avoid sweeteners and sugars.

2) Healthy Fats
Olive oil, nuts, almonds and the of course fish oil are the kind of fats that will help you increase your insulin sensitivity and build lean muscle.

3) The Leaner you Get the Better
If you have a high body-fat percentage, you will encounter some difficulties becoming insulin sensitive at least at the beginning. However, as you go on losing fat, your metabolism will improve day by day and your insulin levels will optimize.

4) Avoid Carbohydrates when Close to Bedtime
Our body activities start to reduce as the day passes. Less activity means less energy spend. So, the unspent glucose will eventually turn into fat.

In addition to the above, be aware that balanced insulin levels trigger the release of natural human growth hormone, which is responsible for muscle development.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area. Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition

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Muscle Warfare Review - Does It Help to Get Ripped

There are lots of relatively recent products and services available today, a small handful or these could be seen as very worthwhile. Some have gotten very good acceptance by users of their services and have been growing and developing good reputations. One or two of them are really exceptional with excellent services as well as reasonable prices. On the list of more outstanding new services entering the bodybuilding supplement niche market recently is muscle warfare stack.

The leader and driving force behind this growing outfit is the well know MMA fighter Travis Limauro.

What muscle warfare stack provides to its growing band of clients is the combination of 3 bodybuilding and fitness supplements called napalm, MOAB and Nuke. All of these are standing for the Muscle Warfare Stack.

Muscle warfare is providing some very unique features which give their clients a good edge and make it really worthwhile considering them. Probably the most impressive are the free trial offer to get the product, great pre work out supplement to gain more energy and that this one of a kind supplement does not contain creatine.

With your permission I will elaborate somewhat about each of these in turn.

The free trial offer is the no risk way to get the stack. Just try it out and see if it fits your needs in an easy way.

My most impressive part is the pre work out supplement which helped me to gain more energy and that ended in more training time. I got so much energy, I spent 1 hour more on my training routine than normal. But be careful, do not spent too much time at first. Keep your pace which you are comfortable with.

The last point is that you do not have to worry about creatine which is a great plus of this supplement. It is clinical proven and so you have no health risks on your side.

To date the sole negative thing I have encountered with the muscle warfare stack service is the fact that the taste of these supplements is not the best. But this is just my opinion and it is not that much of a negative aspect. Some friends of mine like the taste. I think it is just my problem.

Overall, muscle warfare stack comes with an exceptionally good service, complete with many excellent features. And you can get a wide range of supplements to speed up your training.

See Here How to Get Ripped in 4 Weeks by visiting our Muscle Warfare Reviews web site at Muscle Warfare.

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Shoulder Press: Everything You Wanted To Learn About It

A lot of people have been asking lately the same question: why can't they develop their deltoid muscles properly? The answer is simple: because nowadays, people are more tempted to use machines and cables instead of free weights. Fact that definitely leads to the lack of progress.

Basically, the shoulder workout should be based on the shoulder press. Why? Because it is the most complete exercise and the most efficient when it comes to shoulder development. There are many variations of the overhead press: for instance, there are exercises like seated dumbell press, behind neck shoulder press, one arm press, etc. Still, even though the shoulder press is supposed to bring visible results, this does not mean that the regular overhead press will bring the same results for everybody.

The first rule of bodybuilding tells that if something works for one athlete, it doesn't mean that it will work the same for some other bodybuilder. This is why, coming back to the military press, in order to see which of the above mentioned exercises works best for them, young bodybuilders have to experiment each of them for at least one month. For example, in order to see what exercise brings the best results, people should schedule the shoulders workout at the begging of the week, preferably after 1-2 days of rest. The workout should have only one press exercise and no more than 5 sets/per exercise, including the warm up sets. Of course, as the shoulders are considered to be a small muscle group, no more than 18 sets of 10-12 repetitions (including the warm up sets) should be made. This means that the shoulder press should me the most important exercise from of the deltoids workout, followed closely by lateral raises and upright rows.

From my personal experience, the most efficient exercise is the one that people like to call "military press". Unlike the seated deltoid exercises, at this one the athlete must stand in his feet. This means that he can use a little bit of leg drive in order to increase the intensity of his/her workout. However, in order to get the best results, the leg drive must not be exceedingly big, as the main target of the shoulder press are the shoulders and not the legs. Make 6 sets of 8 to 12 reps at every deltoid workout, and it is impossible to not see the results.

Don't forget to eat and sleep properly!

Matei Iurea is a professional powerlifter that has been involved in bodybuilding and powerlifting for more than 10 years. You can find more about the shoulder press visiting

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Do You Really Need a Weightlifting Belt, or Is Your Core Letting You Down?

The main reason for using a weight belt while exercising is to protect the lower back from damage. Exercises that usually require the participant to wear a weight belt are exercises such as heavy squats, deadlifts, cleans and snatch.

The belt is worn around the waist and when the abdominal muscles contract they push against the belt providing a Extra support to the core and hopefully prevents a lower back injury. For the purpose of this report I will use the squat as an example.

A lot of trainers state that humans have our own weight belt, these people are referring to our core muscles. The core muscles are made up of the Rectus abdominous, obliques, erecta spinae, quadratus lumborum and the pelvic floor muscles.

Some people dispute the use of a weight lifting belt saying that you shouldn't be lifting a weight unless you have the core strength to handle it. If you are lifting a weight that is too heavy for your muscles, in theory you will get hurt.

In most cases with the squat the legs aren't what fail first, it is usually the core strength. What happens is the abdominals and lower back don't have the strength to sustain that amount of weight resulting in either failing to lift the weight or lifting with such bad form that you get injured.

What tends to happen is instead of taking the time to strengthen their core, trainers put on a weight belt to compensate for the lack of strength. This way you can work your legs all the want, which is good for growing leg strength, but by neglecting the core region and by using th assistance of a weight belt the trainer will never build a stronger core.

I strongly believe that if trainers spent a bit more time strengthening their core they will not only be able to lift more weight but be able to be more functional in sport and everyday life. I believe that core strength and stability is the key to building a better athlete and a better body.

In conclusion, weight belts are still a great piece of weight training equipment as long as they are used the right way. Powerlifters use them all the time and they already have a strong core. The reason they use one is because they are doing 1-rep max lifts, which requires a greater amount of strength than what they train with.

So think on what you are doing in the gym and how you are training.

Do you really require a weight belt?

Is your core letting you down?

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all aspects of grappling especially the fitness and conditioning aspect. Recently he has been traveling the world aiming to qualify for his second Olympic Games.
To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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How You Could Successfully Speed Up the Muscle Building Process

If getting building muscle and losing fat was easy we would all look like Men's Health models. There are discount supplements on the market that can help, but at the end of the day it all comes down to hard work and commitment. Here are a few tips that will help you to bulk up more quickly, don't expect a modelling job over night though!

Working major muscles will help you to bulk up faster. There is no exercise that is better for promoting muscle growth and bulking up than the squat. Squats should be part of any weights routine if you want to build bulk. Other exercises that can be a big help are bench presses which again work a number of muscles at once.

Eating the right food is another big issue. Building muscle requires protein. Building lots of muscle requires lots of protein, so expect to be including a lot of high protein foods in your diet. You should also think seriously about including whey protein into your routine as to be honest it can be hard to take in as much protein as you need unless you are willing to eat a lot!

When tucking into a high protein diet, do remember that eating too much protein if you are not working out is probably not good for you. When you are training you should aim to get around half of your calories from protein. Some people suggest that you should restrict your carbohydrate intake, but ladies swimsuit diets will not help you to build muscle mass. You body uses those carbohydrates when you are training and you will need to take them in.

You will also need to drink plenty of water. It is suggested that a normal healthy intake of water is a little less than 2 litres per day. When you are training hard you are going to be losing water in sweat which you will need to replace. It is suggested that you try to take in another half a litre per day when training.

Sadly as you can see, this is not a magic recipe for bulking up overnight without any hard work. The supplements will help but all the hard work will need to come from you. Eat right and train hard, focus on those big muscle groups. Make sure you keep your workouts varied and keep it interesting. It can be hard to maintain your training programme when it gets monotonous. There are lots of resources to help.

Sarah Haines has a keen interest in fitness and body building and the use of discount supplements.

Check out these workout routines which can help you to mix your programme up a little.

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Gym Basics - Squatting and Squatting Aids

This report is a follow on of the report on weight belts. Firstly I will describe other squatting aids besides the weight belt. These aids are knee wraps as well as bar supports such as manta rays and cushion. Then I will follow with a brief description of the basics of a squat and the major points that need to be adhered to if you want to squat safely.

Knee wraps:
Most commonly used by powerlifters and weightlifters, knee wraps are made of strong elastic material very similar to the wrist wraps. For best results knee wraps are tightly bound around the knee about 7 centimetres above and below the patella.

When squatting the hardest part is just after you pass parallel and are on the rise. This is when your core, glutes and hamstrings are working the hardest. Due to the tightness of the wraps the patella is pushed hard against the patella tendon. So when the lifter starts lifting form the bottom (or when the knee is fully flexed) the patella slides smoothly with minimal friction resulting in a smoother rise from the bottom and stronger lift.

The only problem with using the knee wraps for a long period of time is due to the patella being pushed so tightly against the patellar tendon the tendon can become slightly frayed or inflamed resulting in severe patellar tendonitis.

Manta Ray:
When squatting you must place the bar on top of your trapezius and rear deltoid muscles. But a lot of trainers still aren't comfortable with having the bar rested there. This may be due to the fact that they don't have much muscle across the shoulders or they having a protruding cervical spine (bony neck.)

The Manta Ray is a rather new invention perfect for combating a sore neck. The Manta ray shaped like your upper neck and torso. It is then fixed to the bar and then the trainer hops underneath making it comfortable on the shoulders and starts squatting.

Only negative thing about this contraption is that if you fail on a squat you cannot let go of the bar because it is virtually attached to your shoulders. So if you fall the bar will fall with you.

Foam Cushions:
Foam cushions are strapped around the bar and then the trainer starts squatting. These are exactly like the Manta ray but are safer if you fall. The only down side is they are used quite quickly and need replacing rather frequently.

Squatting.. There are so many different ways to do it.

Put the bar higher on your back... put the bar lower.. Toes in, toes out, Squat lower Head up.

So what is a proper squat and how do you do it?

Everybody has a different body so therefore everybody is going to squat slightly different.

The best way to learn how to squat is get a qualified fitness instructor to help you out. Get them to look at your body type, technique, breathing, posture etc.

But sometimes it's not that simple. Flexibility is a major squat killer. Inflexible calves means your toes may come off the ground. Inflexible glutes means you can not get any lower or you cannot rise from the bottom. Weak core results in you not going heavy. Weak hamstrings may injure lower back. Tight ab and adductors can not stop knees 'knocking' on the way up.

There are just so many things to worry about when squatting.

That is why I am not going to write a step-by-step approach to a squat. Because no one can learn form a step-by-step approach. So I am just going to write the basics down.

- Always remember to have your head up (this helps your back stay straight.)
- Breathe in on the way down and breathe out on the way up.
- Squat till your knee is 90 degrees.
- When squatting don't let your knees go over your toes. (If this happens a knee injury will occur)
- Remember to lock the core muscles
- Don't 'drop' too quickly because if the knee gets hyper flexed (bent further than usual by the weight of the bar) you may be likely to tear a ligament (most likely the ACL)
- If you're getting tired ask someone for a spot.

These are just some basic points regarding the squat. That is why it's important to practise the squat with a light load and get a qualified professional to help point out what your doing right and what you are doing wrong.

Everybody has a different approach to teaching a squat and may have different concepts of the squat movement. As long as the person doing the squat is comfortable with it, is doing it safely with low risk of injury and is getting them the results they want than I believe that they are doing their squat well enough.

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all aspects of grappling especially the fitness and conditioning aspect. Recently he has been traveling the world aiming to qualify for his second Olympic Games.

To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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Working Out Tips

Working out is what you like to do. It is a part of your daily routine and for most of us the best way to release our energy and set new goals. No matter if you like to work out for muscle build or just to keep your body fit training must be integrated in your mind as an activity that gives health, amusement and can be a replacement to many bad habits.

For those who aim to build some serious muscle working out is one side of the triangle: Training-resting-nutrition. If you find yourself among those who have managed to follow this triangle patiently and persistently you have probably witnessed results and success.

However, considering that we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect let us give you some working out tips in order to get the maximum out of your training:

1) Work out in Morning Hours
Testosterone levels in your blood are at their highest point during the morning hours. Take advantage of it and maximize the benefits of your workout. In addition, the body can perform better in the morning were its energy "batteries" are filled after your night sleep. Not to mention that the gym will be obviously less crowded.

2) Cancel a Workout if Necessary
A common mistake is going to the gym when not feeling in condition to train. If you feel sick, weak, you have a hangover, or you think you are not physically ready to train then it is better to skip a workout and try to recover for the next time than to force yourself and become even worse.

3) Warm up
Devote at least 15 minutes for warming up in the summer and 25 in the winter. I have often witnessed bad injuries occurring in the gym due to improper warm up. I know you are probably inpatient to hit the weights but don't risk it. Doing some bicycle or treadmill for a while will increase the blood flow in your muscles and help you lift more.

4) Keep it Brief and Intense
Keep in mind that the best workout is the one that lasts somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour the most. Increase the intensity of your workout and rest between the sets for 40-45 seconds. After you are done you will feel exhausted and pumped way more than you would if you stayed in the gym for hours.

5) Muscle Recovery Supplements
For those who want to build some serious muscle, post workout supplementation is crucial. Whey Protein, BCAAs or creatine are most beneficial if in taken directly after workout. Besides the hard training, your muscles need the right nutrients to recover and regenerate. The first 30 minutes after completing your workout is the right time to consume muscle recovery supplements.

6) Rest Properly
Always leave two days between each muscle part workout. Resting is the third side of the success triangle I mentioned above. Getting enough sleep is crucial for the muscle regeneration process since human Growth Hormone is being released during sleeping time.

So, continue training hard but always remember to correct workout mistakes.
Follow those six working out tips in order to make the best out of your time in the gym.
Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition /.

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Gym Basics - How Do I Breathe While Lifting Weights

Breathing is a crucial element to understand when lifting weights. It is important to understand what your breathing does and how it affects you weight training.

When we breathe we inhale oxygen into the lungs, from here the oxygen is transported into our cells. Once in our cells, the oxygen is used to do a variety of complex functions but on a basic level, it is used to create energy. Without oxygen we will pass out and if no oxygen enters the body while we are passed out we will eventually suffer brain damage and then death.

It is important when lifting weights to NEVER hold your breath. When you hold your breath you are depriving your body of oxygen, resulting in you become light headed or passing out. This may lead to you falling over or dropping a weight on top of yourself. Something you don't want to happen. A general rule of thumb is to breathe in on the eccentric phase and out on the concentric phase. Put simply, breathe in on the easy part and breathe out on the hard aspect of the lift.

For example: If you are performing a bench press you breathe in when lowering the barbell to your chest and breathe out when pressing the bar back towards the starting position.

It may take a few training sessions to become familiar with timing your breathing with lifting. Try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

There is another aspect of breathing that I need to mention. It is called the "Valsalva manoeuvre." Put simply, the Valsalva manoeuvre is when you try to exhale through your mouth but keep your mouth shut. This significantly increases the amount of pressure inside your chest cavity. This is exceptionally troublesome for trainers suffering from high or low blood pressure.

The Valsalva manoeuvre mostly occurs when a trainer is struggling extremely hard and forgets to breathe. As a spotter you must always encourage breathing and be aware if you do this when training alone.

An example of a correct breathing pattern on a bench press is as follows:

• Un-rack the bar

• As you lower the bar in a controlled fashion breath in through your nose

• When the bar slightly touches your chest begin to breathe out through your mouth until the bar reaches the starting position.

Note: There are times at the very beginning of the upwards phase of the bench press where you hold your breath for no more than half a second. A breath held for any longer than half a second is unacceptable.

Author: Matt D'Aquino

Matt is the founder of Beyond Grappling fitness and conditioning. He is a 2008 Beijing Judo Olympian as well as nationally ranked freestyle wrestler and National Champion in Brazilian Jujitsu. Matt has a passion for teaching all aspects of grappling especially the fitness and conditioning aspect. Recently he has been traveling the world aiming to qualify for his second Olympic Games. To learn more about Matt and his fitness and conditioning training visit

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Connection Between Cardiovascular and Muscle Loss

This is a very important issue that concerns every one of us who is aiming to build muscle mass and in the same time is trying to get rid of fat. No one likes to jeopardize what he has gained in the gym with hard work and tons of sweat. It is common knowledge that cardiovascular exercise is the key for fat loss and for achieving the right physique level. However, there are many who are seriously concerned about the effects of cardio on existing muscle mass. The truth is that there is some connection. Extended cardiovascular exercise can lead to lean muscle loss along with fat loss.

So, what should we do? Stop all cardio activity? Of course not. Here are some tips to get the best out of your cardio without having to worry about losing any muscle mass:

1) Keep you cardio at a moderate-intensity level

This will activate the fat-burning procedure without affecting any muscle tissue. You can find guidance written on treadmills in your gym or ask for a chart where you can see at what heart rate you should be exercising in order to stay inside the fat-burning zone.

2) BCAAs and Whey Protein

Those two supplements is all you need to help you keep your lean muscle mass. They provide pure protein to the muscles with minimum fat and calories. I would recommend avoiding creatine or any other formula that contains creatine since the specific supplement holds water in the muscle cells.

3) Increased Protein Nutrition

Consume carbohydrates three to four hours prior your cardio in order to gain the energy needed. Furthermore, increase the calorie percentage you are in taking from protein. As long as you are "feeding" your muscle cells with enough protein you will not have to worry about any muscle loss. In addition to the above rules, we must say that cardiovascular exercise should be integrated in your weekly workout schedule. Do not make the mistake we often see in the gyms. People doing cardio only whenever they feel that they need to lose some extra pounds. Cardio is more effective if performed regularly. It is understandable that if someone is currently on a muscle definition workout routine then he should focus more on cardio than someone who is in the procedure of building mass. Nevertheless, complete lack of cardio can lead to unbalanced physique and health in general.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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How to Quickly Gain Fast Twitch Muscles

Skeletal muscle is composed of two types of fibers: slow or fast twitch. A particular muscle group can contain both bundles of the different fiber types, which work to contract your muscles at different times depending on the activity engaged. The fast muscles activate in performance movements involving rapid but short bursts of muscular energy, like sprinting or lifting high-load weights for low reps.

Generally, you are born with a specific amount of each type of fiber within different muscle groups. You are less likely to successfully develop greater bundles of slow twitch fibers, which are used for endurance activity. However, you do have the opportunity to train for and gain fast twitch muscles. If you are predisposed with a larger percentage of the fast twitch variety, it is especially important to work them regularly to support and stimulate continued performance and growth.

When it comes to building muscle, most people aim for pumping the guns up and structuring visually appealing, striated muscle groups. Most activities used to do this involve the fast twitch muscles. There are two types of these which are generally referred to as type IIa, or fast oxidative, and type IIb, or fast glycolytic. Muscles generally use fast oxidative before fast glycolytic because it is more efficient in most tasks performed utilizing that fiber group. However, serious athletes and bodybuilders tap into fast twitch fibers for longer than the average person keeping fit and this helps strengthen the fast glycolytic fibers as well as the oxidative. The advantage of getting use of both forms of fast twitch muscle fibers is optimized strength, muscle gain and longevity as well as the potential to continue making progress in perfecting the physique. The first rule to achieve them is therefore consistent training.

Tips to Gain Fast Twitch Fibers

Add speed endurance exercise to your weekly workout regimen. According to a 2010 publication in the "Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports," athletes that typically participate in intense exercise of shorter duration can also benefit from adding speed endurance sessions to training programs to improve muscle fiber adaptation and physiological changes.

Jump on the treadmill for a 20 minute brisk walk and then amp up the speed and jog for five to 10 minutes or simulate the same activity on a track. Add an activity similar to this once a week on non-weight training days.The fast twitch muscles engage quickly when you add speed to your exercise activity.

Perform fast, powerful movements, or plyometric, exercises. This type of exercise method really engages the fast twitch fibers because it requires you to move in ways your body is not necessarily use to, particularly if you are a bodybuilder. Your muscles are forced to contract rapidly during this kind of training and this improves overall muscle power. A simple way to think of it is likened to adding a jump to the end of each movement but in rapid succession. Take your common non-weighted squat or lunge reps and jump off the ground each time you come up from the movement. Make the squat or lunge a progression motion instead of a gradual rise and fall. Engage your arms during the motion by pumping them up and down to work the upper body fast twitch muscles.

Rope jumping or simulated rope jumping, like plyometrics, is also a beneficial exercise for training the fast twitch muscles. Include plyometric-type activity to one workout per week but do not add weight unless you can ensure proper form to prevent injury.

Turn one weight training session into a low-load but high-volume activity. This allows you to pump weights faster to stimulate the fast twitch fibers. For quick, optimal but safe results implement fast twitch targeted movements during weight training no more than twice a week. Include other types of these targeted exercises two or three times a week to avoid overdoing the activities. As with any new exercise in bodybuilding, you want to train for the best results in moderation not implement it full force and cause accidental regression.

Fitness guru Zoltan Bundler writes regularly on the topic of building muscle on his site For a free copy of his short no fluff report "Secrets to Bulking Up Fast Without the Fat" go straight to Secrets of Bulking Up then click on the photo.
© 2011 Zoltan Bundler All Rights Reserved

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MI40 - The Key to Get a Shapely Body Like a Pro Bodybuilder

In the bodybuilding world of North America, Ben Pakulski is no stranger. Pakulski began bodybuilding at the age of 15 and got his first contract with Muscletech when he was 18. Since then, Pakulski's career rocketed rapidly; he joined the International Federation of BodyBuilders (IFBB) and has been involved in many bodybuilding competitions including the IFBB Pro Championships in Tampa, North America Bodybuilding Championships, Canadian Championships, Mr. Olympia, and many more. He specializes in the Super Heavy Weight division. Apart from being a professional, successful bodybuilder, he is also a bodybuilding coach, public speaker, nutrition coach and celebrity trainer. Pakulski balances his experiences with a college degree by graduating from the University of Western Ontario with his primary study of Kinesiology and Biomechanics.

His success in developing amazing muscles leads Ben Pakulski to share his secrets with you. This professional bodybuilder has developed a new program called the Muscle Building Program, which aims at helping you with bodybuilding and its details. Pakulski's program is compiled into a set of training materials called the MI40 or the "Mass Intentions 40". 'Mass Intentions' refers to the muscle building technique you need to go through while following the program. Basically, like other weight loss and muscle building programs, this program combines variable physical workouts with healthy diets. Besides sharing you tips and guides for muscle exercises and food consumptions, the program also gives away 40 delicious and healthy recipes for you to try at home. Often, people who undergo dieting programs have difficulties in making healthy but delicious food. With his food recipes Ben Pakulski shows you that delicious food does not have to be greasy or full of fat.

Although seems similar to other muscle building and dieting programs, the MI40 basically has its own uniqueness. The Mass Intentions 40 aims at overcoming several obstacles in your muscle building efforts and offers smart problem solving. One of the most common problems with muscle building is that people tend to be obsessed with heavier and heavier weight lifting for crafting a bulkier body. In reality, lifting heavy weights without optimal muscle tension will not help you in building your muscles. Instead, you will only exhaust your muscles. The technique introduced by Ben Pakulski in his program does not focus on how heavy your lifting weight is. In fact, you can exercise by lifting half the weight you regularly use and get better result. With your feet and hands exercised by means of motions that push inward or pull outward, the technique will re-mold your body more effectively.

With his amazing product of MI40, Ben Pakulski guarantees you a better, healthier body. Follow our links to find out more about the Muscle Building Program.

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Building Muscle for Women - Female Bodybuilding Tips

Some people are still saying that bodybuilding is not meant for women. This is a big lie because women too want to have a strong, sexy, curvy and an attractive body.

Women find it more challenging to build huge muscles than men. This is so because a major hormone present in men that helps to boost muscle growth is not present in women. So women will have to work harder in order to achieve the same results with men.

Since what most women want is to build a curvy, strong and sexy body with a little muscle, it will be easy for them too if they follow the right tips. Women don't really need to build huge muscles except those who want to participate in bodybuilding contests.

To get a desired female bodybuilding physique, take note of the following tips:

1. Eat the right foods: This is a major secret of achieving good results with little efforts during workouts. If you do your daily routines correctly and you are not eating the right foods in their correct proportion, you won't be able to achieve your desired result. Some of the best foods that aid muscle growth are:

- Carbohydrate foods; you need them for constant supply of energy during workouts, if you ignore them your body will be weak and you won't be able to do your routines. Examples of good carbohydrates are whole wheat bread and brown rice. If you are over weight you need to eat little of carbohydrate so that your body will be able to use it up completely.

Protein foods; they are the most important muscle building foods. This is so because protein is responsible for repair of worn out tissues and for building of muscle. Your body needs a constant supply of this nutrient. You should eat it every 4 hours and drink lots of water. Examples of recommended protein foods include beans, chicken breast without the skin, turkey and tuna in water.

- Healthy fat; even if you are over weight, you still need fatty foods for normal body functioning. But this time you should eat only healthy fat, they are easily burned out. Examples are olive oil, coconut oil and avocado. Do not eat groundnut oil, animal fat or palm oil.

- Vegetables; this is another bodybuilding food, you can eat lots of green vegetables because it contain less calorie.

2. Look for a good workout routine and follow it: This is also another good bodybuilding tip. If your routine is not giving you a good result, it is better to change it. Examples of good Muscle Building exercises that should be included in your daily routines are:

- Squats

- Weight Lifting

- Cardio workouts like running and swimming and

- Push Ups

For more free tips and information on how to become a successful female bodybuilder, browse through my Female Bodybuilding Tips website.

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How To Lose Fat While Retaining Muscle

Virtually anyone who has participated in a bodybuilding or weight lifting routine has asked this question. The entire premise behind bodybuilding is to add muscle while losing fat. It's what we think when we look in the mirror, it influences what we eat, how we train and what supplements we buy.

The exception of course, would be the guy or girl who's metabolic rate is so genetically high that their only concern is adding weight to their already lean frames. But for the majority of the population, the age old secret of being able to burn our unwanted fat while building or at least retaining muscle mass seems elusive and difficult at best.

Bodybuilders and fitness experts will tell you that building muscle requires food. It's impossible naturally to add lean mass to any skeletal frame without additional calories to feed and grow your new muscle fibers. However, those same experts will also tell you that the only way to get rid of those pesky love handles is to reduce your calories. So what is the answer? Is there an exercise and diet plan that even exists for this scenario?

The short answer to this is no... but there are several logical approaches to this that can still help you reach your fitness goals. I've listed below some general guidelines that you should consider if you're training is not giving you the results you want.

Change The Way You Eat: Completely change the way you look at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Adopt a technique called grazing, where you eat every two to three hours instead of three meals a day. Professional bodybuilders have been eating like this for years and for good reason. By consuming small portions of protein and complex carbs systematically throughout the day, we are maintaining a more balanced level of amino acids in our bloodstream for the constant repair of muscle tissue.

Additionally, by eating frequent meals we are forcing our digestive system to work overtime which in turn, burns more calories. This burning of calories contributes to an overall change in our metabolism allowing us to burn calories at a more efficient rate even when we are resting.

Split up Cardio and Weight Training: Another excellent approach in our quest to burn fat while building muscle is to separate the times we weight train from when we do our cardiovascular workouts. These two categories of exercise are both necessary and helpful, but they are both designed to do two completely different things.

Weight training tears down muscle with the intent of rebuilding stronger, once it has been repaired. Repair can only happen when the right nutrients are shuttled to the fatigued muscle group via the bloodstream. This is why the first hour after weight training requires a feeding of proteins and carbohydrates so as to optimize your muscles ability to get stronger.

Conversely, aerobic or cardio activity is to burn fat. The fat burning results from these exercises depend upon the length of time, intensity, and the amount of sugars (carbohydrates) present in our bloodstream. By doing your cardio with less carbs in your body... and by waiting at least 30 minutes to eat after completing it, you give your body a much better chance to use fat cells for energy rather than carbohydrates.

Eat And Train Smarter: By including these tricks into your daily regimen you are really improving your body's ability to build muscle and burn fat when it's supposed to. Medical studies may not be conclusive with the best approach to burning fat while holding on to precious muscle, but many professional athletes and fitness experts are big proponents in the timing of our meals and the scheduling of strength-training versus aerobics.

George C Taylor has been a fitness enthusiast for over 25 years. He currently resides in Southeast Asia where he works as a freelance writer for internet marketers and web masters all over the world.

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