Six Workout and Motivation Tips

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced bodybuilder there is a high chance that sometime you will lose interest on what you are doing. In other words, you will lose motivation. Since motivation and setting new goals are very crucial in bodybuilding we want to prevent that.

First of all, we have to make it clear that this is completely natural. Losing motivation somewhere along the way can happen to anybody at any time. I have six tips for you, which will help you avoid any situation where you might feel that you have lost your interest:

1) Never Say I Quit
No matter how disappointed you are from your progress don't even think of quitting. Especially beginners can lose their interest pretty quick since it is difficult to understand that as an amateur you will never have muscles like Phil Heath and maybe you don't even want to. However, if you are patient and persistent with your workout you can achieve a more realistic goal and be proud of yourself.

2) Set Specific Goals
Setting specific goals means that you must forget going to the gym without even knowing the reason you go. For example, set the realistic goal of gaining five pounds of muscle mass during the next couple of months or to increase your bench weight ten percent. Your workout, your nutrition, your supplementation even your mind must be focused on this goal.

3) Changing Workout Routines
Following the same training routine for a long period of time leads to adaptation and ultimately lack of motivation. In previous articles, I have covered thoroughly the changing of workout routines topic.

4) Note your Improvement
Writing down your improvement keeps you in track and helps you stay motivated. The sensation you get every time you become your own witness of progress is unique and gives you the mental boost to continue the good work.

5) Focus on Weak Spots
Regardless of how well-trained you think you are there is always a weak part on your body that needs improvement. Focusing on that spot will give you an extra motivation to train harder.

6) Benefits of Pause Periods
It is possible and completely natural that sometimes you will feel exhausted physically and mentally. Training continuously for long periods of time might have consequences like muscle fatigue, injuries and loss of motivation. It's not bad to take some time off the gym just to recharge your batteries. One or two weeks will do it.

Follow these simple tips and I promise you, motivation won't be an issue for you anymore.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap
Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition.

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