How To Gain Weight - 3 Simple Tips

In this article I will share with you proven eating and training strategies that will help you to add high quality lean muscle mass to your frame.

I know that you want to gain weight, but the fact is that you do not want to gain any kind of weight. You see, a lot of people who are new to fitness do not realize that gaining weight is not about eating whatever the hell you want and increase your body fat stores. No way! Gaining weight is about gaining high quality lean muscle mass so eventually you would have an aesthetically pleasing physique. Got it?

Now let me share with you few simple tips that will help you to achieve that:

Increase your daily caloric intake

I know that you have probably heard this before, but the fact is that there is only one way to make your body grow and that is to increase your daily energy intake. Energy which is needed to make your body grow can only come from calories, therefore the first step you need to take if you want to start gaining lean muscle mass is to increase your daily caloric intake.

The fact is that some calories will make you fat, whereas other will make you gain high quality lean muscle mass. To avoid gaining body fat make sure that you get your calories from high quality proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Start lifting weights

To start gaining high quality lean muscle mass you will need to start pumping iron. The single most effective way to start gaining weight quickly is to combine a good eating plan with a good weight training workout plan.

At the end of each weight training session your muscle fibers will break down on a micro level and once they will recover they will grow bigger and stronger.

Forget about supplements

A lot of people who are new to gaining weight think that there is some sort of pill or powder that will make things easy. The fact is that all of these pills and powders that are promoted by the fitness gurus will not make you big!

Everything that works is right in front of you. Stop looking for secrets, stick to the basics, take the baby steps and move one step at a time.

Apply proven eating and training principles and you will add high quality lean muscle mass to your frame.

Original article

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