How To Get Washboard Abs - Really

How to get washboard abs? Well, it's pretty simple to do. Diet down until you've lost almost all of your fat, then do ab exercises to make your abdominal muscle stand out even more.

See, it's simple. But not always easy, especially since it involves such rigid control of your food, eating habits, and exercise. No B.S., you don't need specialized workouts or exercises - just self control, and determination.

Here are some good rules to follow for how to get ripped abs. They've helped me get ripped, and I think they'll help you as well.

Eat Calorie Diffuse Foods

This is a nice trick so that you can eat a lot of food, but not a lot of calories. It'll give you that nice sensation of being full.

Vegetables are the king of calorie diffuse food. Squash are great for this, especially butternut and acorn squash - half of a whole, big butternut squash, baked, might be 100 calories. Maybe.

Now, I know that low carbohydrate diets give you an edge is weight loss by minimizing the hormone insulin. But, getting a six pack is all about removing the last 5, 10, or 15 pounds of fat from your frame, which should be done slowly and, as much as possible, in a way that's enjoyable for you.

How to get washboard abs one or two weeks faster may not work for you. it might be better to go slow with a program that's doable for you, rather than drop your weight fast with a program that's less doable - and less sustainable.

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life

Exercise burns calories - everybody knows that. But it also makes a lot of good hormonal stuff happen in your body, gives you a much bigger calorie deficit to work with, and is loads of fun.

As far as hormonal stuff, exercise increases your insulin sensitivity and can even help blunt your appetite (though you need to do some experimenting and find out which exercises are best for your). Exercise triggers tons of good hormonal stuff in your body which help you to get fit, beyond just burning calories.

It also gives you a bigger calorie deficit to work with. I'm really short, 5'4", so even with my muscle mass when I diet I'm not eating very much (between 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day). If you regularly exercise, whether it's dancing, or climbing, or inline skating, or weight lifting, or running, or swordsmanship, or whatever - it helps you burn more calories when you diet. And it allows you to eat more when you're trying to add muscle.

And exercise is just fun! The social aspects of it, the physical aspects of it, how your mind works and focuses, and the endorphins that your brain releases all make you feel good.

If you have an active life that you enjoy, that's make the harder bits easier to bear. Especially dieting

Oh, and...

Don't Worry About Ab Exercises

What?! I'm telling you how to get washboard abs, and I'm telling you to NOT DO ANY AB EXERCISES!?

Yes. You don't need them - just do weight lifting with big lifts that work a lot of muscles, and (ideally) lifts like the standing barbell press that require core strength.

When you get your body fat percentage down low enough, you'll get your ripped abs. That's the most important part. The rest is just commentary. There are a few more tips below that'll help, but really you just have to get up off your rear end and do it.

If you want to get more info about how to get ripped, check out the How To Get Abs E-Book. Or read more info at my site, Complete Strength Training. I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out! - Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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